Student Handbook

East Fairmont High School
1993 Airport Road, Fairmont, West Virginia 26554
Phone: (304) 367-2140 – FAX (304) 367-2180
Dr. Mary Lynn Westfall, Principal
Mr. Gary Rinehart, Asst. Principal Mrs. Valerie Rinehart, Asst. Principal
Facebook: East Fairmont High School
This handbook belongs to:
Name: _________________________________________
Homeroom Teacher:_____________________________
Student Number: _______________________________
Policies and guidelines in this handbook are subject to change.
Students will be notified of the changes if they occur.

History of East Fairmont High School
East Fairmont High was organized in 1917, according to a report in the 1925 Yellow Jacket. This educational facility consisted of 71 students and two instructors who taught in two basement rooms of what was Central School.
In 1921, East Side High opened its doors to 268 students and 11 teachers to begin the history of what is now East Fairmont High School. Perhaps the greatest change for the students of 1921 was the move to a new school. The new facility contained an auditorium, gymnasium, Domestic Science Department, and six classrooms.
By 1924, enrollment increased. Reports indicate that the oldest senior attending was 23 years-old, while the youngest freshman was only 12 years-old. Construction began on one of two additional wings, which were completed in 1925. The building expanded with a library, study hall, Domestic Arts Department, and eight classrooms.
A new gymnasium was erected in 1930, but it was 22 years before the second and final wing was added, housing the administrative offices, band room, and a larger library. The lofty bell tower, which was part of the original structure, was struck by lightning and condemned.
In the fall of 1993, East Fairmont High School students moved from 1 Orion Lane into our current facility located at 1993 Airport Road, directly off Interstate 79 at the Kingmont Exit.
School Facts
Phone Numbers Main Office 367-2140
Band Room 366-7826
Vocal Music 366-6170
School Colors Gold and Navy Blue
School Mascot Bees
School Motto “Committed to Excellence”
Fairmont State Professional Development School
Big 10 Athletic Conference
West Virginia Secondary Schools Athletic Conference (WVSSAC)
West Virginia School of Excellence
Alma Mater
Hail, oh hail, dear Alma Mater
Praise and glory be
Hail to thee dear home of honor and posterity.
Magic is this moment
As we pledge to our old school.
Hail, oh hail dear alma mater
Fairmont East High School.
Fight Song
When the East Side varsity falls in line
We’re out to win this game another time
And for the dear old high we love so well
And for the blue and gold
We’ll yell and yell and yell
And then we’ll fight, fight, fight for every yard
We’ll circle in and hit that line right hard
And leave (name of school) lying on the side, on the side
East Side High
Academic Hallways
Students are not to be in the academic hallways before the first morning bell or during their assigned lunch period.
Acceptable Use Policy
The use of the Internet provides great educational benefits to students. Some materials accessible via the Internet may contain items that are illegal, defamatory, or potentially offensive to some people; the Marion County school system does not condone the use of such materials. Access to the Internet is given as a privilege to students who agree to act in a considerate and responsible manner. We require that students and their parents/guardians read, accept, and sign this policy at the beginning of each school year.
In addition to the Marion County School’s Acceptable Use Policy, EFHS has extended its policy to include the use of all computers in our school, whether on-line or not. Violation may result in the loss of computer privileges in general.
Adding/Dropping a Course
The following is the Add/Drop Policy for East Fairmont High School. All changes are at the discretion of the administration at EFHS.
All students requesting to add or drop a course may do so during the designated time during the beginning of each semester. The exact date will be set prior to the start of each semester by the EFHS administration. Although a student may request a schedule change, all changes will be reviewed before changes are made to assure that the change will benefit the student and will follow set graduation requirements. If the class is not offered at a time conducive to the student’s schedule or if the class is already at maximum capacity, some schedule changes may not be possible. Following the end date for schedule changes, only necessary changes (i.e. IEP or SAT needs, graduation requirements, discipline issues, lower level class, etc.) will be considered. All schedule changes will be considered only when a Request to Change Course form has been completed.
Agenda Books
Student planners will be available on request.
Attendance Policy
In accordance with WVDE Policy 4110, the Marion County Board of Education believes that regular school attendance is essential to students’ academic and social progress. All students enrolled in Marion County schools are expected to attend school regularly and to be on time for classes to fully benefit from the instructional program and to develop habits of punctuality, self-discipline, responsibility, and productivity.
A student is counted absent in a class if the student has missed 20 or more minutes of the period.
Students should keep a record of his/her absences to lessen the probability of any discrepancy.
If a student is absent from a class, a parent or doctor note needs to be submitted within three (3) days so the absences can be coded correctly for truancy reviews. These notes do not result in excused absences with respect to final exams.
Child Nutrition Program
The EFHS Child Nutrition Program serves breakfast daily from 6:55 – 7:15 a.m. Lunches consist of a hot entrée. Beverages include milk, juice, or water. Students will receive free meals again this year; students taking a full second meal at breakfast or lunch will be charged adult prices ($3.50 and $4.50 respectively).
Students are not permitted to order food and have it delivered to school for lunch. Deliveries will be refused
Discipline Policy
In order for East Fairmont High School to function in an effective, professional, and efficient manner without disruption, certain policies, regulations and procedures are necessary. Excellence in education can only be attained if teachers are given time to teach, and students are given time to learn without the disruptions created by a few. Students are entitled to a clear statement of the behavior expected of them; and in return, the student can logically accept full responsibility for his/her behavior. Offenses are categorized into four (4) different levels with appropriate disciplinary action for each level. Levels of offense and disciplinary action are listed below:
Level I Conduct: Minimally disruptive behaviors – disrupt the educational process and the orderly operations of the school but do not pose direct danger to self or others.
· Cheating
· Deceit
· Disruptive/Disrespectful Conduct
· Failure to Serve Detention
· Falsifying Identity
· Inappropriate Appearance
· Inappropriate Display of Affection
· Inappropriate Language
· Possession of Inappropriate Personal Property
· Skipping Class
· Tardiness
· Vehicle Parking Violation
Level I Disciplinary Action:
· Administrator/student conference or reprimand
· Administrator and teacher-parent/guardian conference
· Academic sanctions to deny credit for work resulting from cheating
· Counseling referral and conference to support staff
· Daily/weekly progress reports
· Behavioral contracts
· Change in student’s class schedule
· School service assignment
· Confiscation of inappropriate item
· Revocation of privileges
· Restitution/restoration
· Detention (lunch or after school)
· Denial of participation in class and/or school activities
· Immediate exclusion by teacher from classroom
· Out of school suspension (up to 3 days)
· Law enforcement notification if warranted
Level II Conduct: Disruptive and potentially harmful behaviors – disrupt the educational process and/or pose potential harm or danger to self and/or others. The behavior is committed willfully but not in a manner that is intended maliciously to cause harm or danger to self and/or others.
· Gang Related Activity
· Habitual Violation of School Rules or Policies
· Insubordination
· Leaving School Without Permission
· Physical Fight Without Injury
· Possession of Knife not Meeting Dangerous Weapon Definition
· Profane Language/Obscene Gesture/Indecent Act Toward Employee or Student
· Discriminatory Language/Comments
· Technology Misuse
Level II Disciplinary Action:
· Administrator/student conference or reprimand
· Administrator and teacher-parent/guardian conference
· Referral to support staff or agency for counseling
· Daily/weekly progress reports
· Behavioral contract
· Change in the student’s class schedule
· School service assignment
· Confiscation of inappropriate item
· Revocation of privileges
· Restitution/restoration
· Lunch or after-school detention
· Denial of participation in class and/or school activities
· Immediate exclusion by teacher from the classroom.
· Out of school suspension (up to 5 days)
· Principal and/or superintendent may recommend placement in an Alternative Education program.
· Expulsion
· Law enforcement notification if warranted.
Level III Conduct: Imminently Dangerous, Illegal and or Aggressive Behaviors – are willfully committed and are known to be illegal and/or harmful to people and/or property.
· Battery Against a Student
· Defacing School Property/Vandalism
· False Fire Alarm
· Fraud/Forgery
· Gambling
· Hazing
· Improper or Negligent Operation of a Motor Vehicle
· Larceny
· Sexual Misconduct
· Threat of Injury/Assault Against an Employee or Student
· Trespassing
· Harassment/Bullying/Intimidation
· Imitation Drugs: Possession, Use, Distribution or Sale
· Inhalant Abuse
· Possession/Use of Substance Containing Tobacco and/or Nicotine
Level III Disciplinary Action:
· Law enforcement intervention
· Administrator/student conference or reprimand
· Administrator and teacher-parent/guardian conference
· Referral to support staff or agencies
· Notification of appropriate Health and Human Resources
· Daily/weekly progress reports
· Behavioral contracts
· Change in the student’s class schedule
· School service assignment
· Confiscation of inappropriate item
· Revocation of privileges
· Restitution/restoration
· Lunch or after-school detention
· Denial of participation in class and/or school activities
· Exclusion by teacher from the classroom.
· Out of school suspension (up to 10 days)
· Principal and/or Superintendent may recommend placement in Alternative Education Program.
· Expulsion
· Referral to cessation or treatment and substance abuse services
Level IV Conduct: Safe Schools Act Behaviors
· Battery Against a School Employee
· Felony
· Illegal Substance Related Behaviors
· Possession and/or Use of Dangerous Weapon
Level IV Disciplinary Action:
· Suspension from school and possible expulsion with county board approval
· Expulsion
· Dangerous student classification
· Law enforcement intervention
Dress Code
The following guidelines will be used to ensure that East Fairmont attendance area students have the right to learn without being offended or distracted by the way others are dressed. Students have the responsibility to dress neatly, to be clean, to be well groomed, and to wear clothes which are appropriate for school.
Students are encouraged to make clothing choices that are consistent with our schools’ mission and with the learning and social environments our administrators strive to provide for all students.
Students will:
Wear clothing and hair styles which are not harmful to health and safety.
Wear shoes at all times.
Wear appropriate shoes for physical education.
Meet accepted standards for cleanliness.
Wear appropriate clothing in an individual program: home economics, shop, science, physical education, etc.
Wear shirts* that have a minimum 2.5” strap on the shoulders.
Ensure legs are covered (front and back) to the bottom of finger tips. Student would stand straight with shoulders relaxed and arms at their sides.
Ensure shirt necklines be no lower than the student’s palm width from the base of their necks.
Wear waistbands at the hip or higher
*Shirt - A shirt is a garment for the upper body made of cotton or a similar fabric, that covers the torso with no more than one inch of midriff showing, has a neckline that falls no lower than the width of the student’s palm from the base if their neck, and arm holes that are the size of the upper arm (cannot extend down the side of the body).
Students will NOT:
Wear anything that draws attention to themselves, such as mini skirts or mini dresses, short shorts, see-through clothing, halters, backless or off the shoulder dresses or tops, tube tops, tank tops, cut-off or bare midriff tops (standing or sitting position), vented tops (except when covered by proper outer garments), or pants that expose skin more than finger-tip length above the knee.
Wear sleeveless/vented shirts (spaghetti strap shirts, tank tops, muscle shirts).
Wear caps, hats, hoods, or other head coverings in the building (without religious or medical reason).
Use combs, brushes, perfume/fragrant spray, or cosmetics in the classroom.
Wear sunglasses inside the school building, unless a doctor’s permit is on file.
Wear clothing, jewelry, buttons, or any other items with words, phrases, symbols, pictures, patches, or signs which use indecent, swear, suggestive words, gang references, racially offensive language or reference tobacco or alcohol.
Wear chains or chain wallets.
Consequences of Dress Code Violation:
1st Offense: Student is sent to the office and provided an opportunity to acquire appropriate clothing. Student is given a verbal warning.
2nd Offense: Student is sent to the office and provided an opportunity to acquire appropriate clothing. Student assigned 5 days of detention.
3rd Offense: Student is sent to the office and provided an opportunity to acquire appropriate clothing. Student is suspended for one (1) day.
Electronic Devices
Students may use their cell phone or electronic communication device (ECD) BEFORE SCHOOL, DURING THEIR ASSIGNED LUNCH PERIOD, AND AFTER SCHOOL. Students are NOT permitted to utilize or have visible any electronic device during any other time of the school day without the permission of the classroom teacher. If a student does not adhere to the previous statement, the following procedures will be set in motion:
1st Offense: Student’s device will be confiscated by teacher or administrator and sent to the office. The student may retrieve the device from the administrator’s office at the end of the school day after conferencing with an administrator.
2nd Offense: Student’s device will be confiscated by teacher or administrator and sent to the office. The student will be assigned to 3 days of lunch detention. A parent must retrieve the device from an administrator’s office.
3rd Offense: Student’s device will be confiscated and sent to the office. The student will be assigned to 2 days of after school detention. The student’s parent must obtain the device from the office.
4th Offense: Student’s device will be confiscated and sent to the office. The student will be assigned 1 day out of school suspension. The student’s parent must obtain the device from the office.
If a cell phone is used during the school day to cause disruption in one or more classes by student-to-student communication, the administrator may immediately suspend the student from school. The administration of EFHS reserves the right to have students turn-off electronic communication devices at any time during the day while the student is on school property.
Examination Policy
1st semester tests
Every student will take a final exam in each of their classes.
The finals will be averaged into students’ grades according to the following guidelines (absences according to teacher records):
· 0-5 absences: Final is 10% of grade
· 6-10 absences: Final is 20% of grade
· 11 or more absences: Final is 30% of grade {Percentage is set such that students will have a chance to recover a larger portion of their grade for the semester}.
Excused absences will include the following:
· College days (1 junior year, 2 senior year)
· Bus days
· Educational leave
· School activities
· Death in the family (maximum of 3 days)
· Court dates
· Administrator discretion
Tests will be administered over 5 days (Finals Week). All students will attend all classes each day and instruction will continue. Tests are not to be given in any classes except the classes taking finals. The testing schedule will be established at each school’s discretion. It is recommended that a maximum of one core area and one elective area be tested daily. All remaining elective areas will be tested on Day 5.
· Students who miss final exams will receive an incomplete on their report cards. The standard 2-week time frame for any incomplete to be completed will be followed. After this date, if the tests have not been made up, students will receive a final exam score of 0%.
· Final exams for homebound students will be administered by the homebound teacher.
· Make-up tests will be scheduled between the student and teacher during Finals Week.
2nd semester tests
Students with 0-5 absences for 2nd semester will be exempt from 2nd semester tests (as long as they are passing their classes). They will be excused from school on test days.
· These students will not be given a score of 100% as their final exam score and they will not receive a 1% increase in their final average. (They have already been rewarded by being excused from school.)
· These students may elect to take the final exam in a class in order to improve their grade. The final exam would count as 20% of their grade. (Students may not elect to take a final that is 30% of their grade.)
Students with 6 or more absences will take all of their 2nd semester tests according to the following schedule (absences according to teacher records).
· 6-10 absences: Final is 20% of grade
· 11 or more absences: Final is 30% of grade
· All finals will be given in one day
Extension of Absences
In the event students miss an excessive number of days they may apply for an ‘extension of absences’ to request permission to take a final exam counting a lower percentage. Applications for this will be available in the main office near the end of the semester. Students are required to provide documentation regarding their absences; a faculty committee will review the applications and provide an opportunity for the student and parent to speak with them. In the first semester this is applicable to students who miss 6 or more days. In the second semester this is applicable to students who miss 11 or more days. Students will not be entirely excused from exams by the committee.
Fees and Fines
There is a cost associated with some courses at EFHS. All students are required to pay the lab fee for courses that include them as part of the course. Also, if a student does not pay a fee or loses a textbook they will receive a fine notification that the amount needs to be paid.
Field Trips
Classes and school organizations may take field trips periodically during the school year. Students wanting to participate in these opportunities may be asked to pay for the costs incurred and will need to complete and return a permission form provided for the specific trip. If a student is suspended from school during the school year, the student may not participate in the field trip.
Grading System and Scale
All high schools in Marion County will adhere to the same grading scale for assigning letter grades of A, B, C, D, and F.
A = 90-100 C = 70-79 F = 59 and below
B = 80-89 D = 60-69
Grades and Rank-In-Class
Grades are reported four times a year (once each nine-week period). Grades to be recorded on the report card by the subject matter teacher are A, B, C, D, and F. Each parent and student also has access to all course grades through the on-line grading system.
The grade point average is computed at the end of each semester using the following values: A=4; B=3; C=2; D=1; and F=0 with advanced placement and dual-credit courses receiving one additional point for each letter value if the student receives an A, B, C, or D.
To determine rank-in-class, the grades for each semester the student had been in attendance in grades 9-12 are given the assigned values, totaled and divided by the number of credits taken. The resulting numbers are arranged in descending order to determine rank-in-class. The student’s place in the graduating class will be determined by the rank-in-class at the end of the student’s semester immediately prior to graduation (typically the student’s 7th semester).
Students must maintain a 2.0 to be eligible for extra-curricular activities.
Parents and students need to be aware that all courses receiving high school credit have an effect on the calculation of a student's cumulative grade point average and class rank. All incoming student transcripts will be translated to match Marion County grading policies.
Graduation Requirements
Students must complete the required program of study outlined by the State of WV and Marion County in order to graduate from high school. This includes required classes in English, Math, Science, Social Studies, Physical Education, Health, Fine Art, and elective courses. The requirement also includes documenting 30 hours of work-based experience. Students can receive credit for a maximum of 10 hours from three different experiences. Documentation forms and information are available from the work-based coordinator, Mrs. Haught (room 100).
Hall Passes
Students are required to utilize eHall Pass when leaving a classroom. In the rare instance eHall Pass is not working, teachers may permit students to leave with a designated classroom pass.
Make-Up Work Policy
Students will be provided the opportunity to make-up work missed as a result of an excused or unexcused absence. The make-up work shall be completed within time equal to the number of days absent but not to exceed five (5) days.
Permission for Out-of-School Visitations
Seniors and second semester juniors may be excused from school for a career-related purpose (for example, visits to post-secondary campuses and military testing). Juniors may use one day for visitation; seniors may use two days. The student must secure prior approval from the high school for the absence to be excused. A form, obtained from a guidance counselor, must be signed by a counselor and parent or guardian. Also, when the student makes the visitation, he or she must obtain the signature of an official representing the institution and return the form to the counselor.
Positive Behavior Support Goals
Positive Behavior Support is a proactive approach to discipline. The expectations at EFHS for the SW-PBS program include the 3 Bee’s: Bee Prompt, Bee Prepared, Bee Respectful.
Each teacher and each setting throughout the school have a set of guidelines related to the 3 Bee’s posted in the classrooms. Each nine weeks a different behavior will be targeted. Teachers will monitor and each one may choose a student who displays exemplary behavior to be recognized at the Quarterly Recognition Assembly.
Promotion Requirements
Grade | Number of Credits |
9 to 10 | 5 credits* |
10 to 11 | 11 credits |
11 to 12 | 17 credits |
Required to graduate | 24 credits** |
* To move from 9th to 10th grade, 2 of the 5 credits must be from the four core classes with one of these either English or Math.
**CTE students are only required to have 22 credits.
Recognition Programs
Honorary Cords—recognizes senior students of the honoraries with various colored single honor cords for recognition and graduation. Cord requirements are established within each honorary group.
Student of the Quarter—each teacher may recognize one student per preparation per quarter for academic achievement.
Safe School Statement
The Marion County Board of Education is committed to ensuring the safety and well-being of all students and staff. Any threat against students or staff will result in immediate suspension from school and local law enforcement agencies will be informed. Rumors of threats will be investigated fully, and local law enforcement will be notified.
The Board acknowledges the need for in-school storage of student possessions and shall provide storage places, including desks and lockers, for that purpose. Such spaces remain the property of the Board and, in accordance with law, may be the subject of random search. Where locks are provided for such places, students may lock them against incursion by other students, but in no such places shall students have such an expectation of privacy as to prevent examination by a school official.
School authorities are charged with the responsibility of safeguarding the safety and well-being of the students in their care. In the discharge of that responsibility, school authorities may search the person or property, including vehicles of a student located on school property, with or without the student’s consent, whenever they reasonably suspect that the search is required to discover evidence of a violation of law or of school rules. The extent of the search will be governed by the seriousness of the alleged infraction and the student’s age. Items that are confiscated will not be returned.
Sign In
If arriving at any time in the day after the tardy bell for first period, students must sign in at the main office then report directly to class. Failure to sign in will result in disciplinary action.
Sign-Out/Student Permission to Leave School
Students who need to leave school during the school day must obtain permission to do so in the main office. Students who become ill at school must go to the main office. The school secretary will talk with the parent/guardian regarding the student leaving school. Parents/guardians must come to the main office when picking up a student. The school secretary will issue permits when the student presents a written note which includes the date, time to leave, reason for leaving, and signature of parent/guardian. All students must be signed out on the daily record sheet. Disciplinary action will result if a student fails to sign-out of school when leaving. The penalty for unauthorized leaving of the school is detention and/or suspension. NOTE: If it is necessary for a student to sign out on a day of a special program/event, parents are required to physically come to the school and sign out the student.
Special Services
Bee, Bath, & Buzz – provides students with personal care products, clothing, or food as needed.
Media Center – has a computerized circulation and catalog system as well as a computer network with Internet access. In addition to providing a quiet area to study, the center houses books, magazines, and audio-visual materials, extra chromebooks, chromebook chargers, free classroom supplies, and comfortable seating. The Media Center is open daily when school is in session from 7:10 a.m.-2:45 p.m.
Guidance Department – offers student counseling, consulting, and coordination. The guidance department maintains a section on the school’s website, posts information on Google Classroom, and updates information on the electronic display outside the counseling office.
Teen Parent/Child Development Center – assists teen parents in the areas of childcare and parenting education in order for them to complete the necessary requirements for graduation. The center is staffed by a supervisor and a fully accredited childcare worker. The center is licensed with the West Virginia Department of Education.
Worthy Student Fund – designed to assist students whose families are experiencing financial difficulties. Funds may be used to meet expenses for school activities which the student would otherwise have to miss. The fund is managed through the guidance office.
State Student Code of Conduct (WV)
1. Attend school faithfully, complete his/her assignments on time and work to his/her full potential.
2. Behave in a manner that does not disrupt classroom learning or the operation of school.
3. Obey teachers, principals, and all others in authority.
4. Refrain from aggressive or threatening behavior toward fellow students, teachers, and other school staff.
5. Refrain from the possession or use on any weapons, illegal drugs, alcohol, or tobacco products.
Student Activity Fee
At the beginning of the school year, each student will pay an activity fee of $10 and receive an activity card. The card will allow the student free admission into one free event for eight different sports ($32 value) and a $5 discount on a parking pass. Students qualifying for free or reduced lunch are exempt from this fee.
Student Parking
Student parking is by permit only in the lot designated for student parking. Parking permits are sold by the year for $15 and are issued by the secretary in the main office. Students can get a $5 discount on the permit by showing their activity card to the secretary. Students who are consistently late for school or who leave campus without permission may have their driving privilege revoked.
Student Progress Report
Parent/Teacher Conferences will be held during the first and third nine weeks of the school year. Parents and students are encouraged to monitor grades continuously on-line through Live Grades.
Substance Abuse Policy – Marion County Schools
The goal of this policy is to provide students with the knowledge and skills necessary to assist them in avoiding the use of tobacco, electronic cigarettes, alcohol and other legal or illegal substances. This policy is intended to promulgate a positive, pro-active approach to the control of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs.
A plan for implementing required kindergarten through 12th grade preventive education, as outlined in The Health Content Standards and Objectives in West Virginia State Board of Education Policy 2520.5, shall be coordinated with Safe and Drug-Free School (Goals and Objectives) to provide a comprehensive kindergarten through 12th grade substance abuse prevention curriculum for all children. School administrators, Local School Improvement Councils and school curriculum teams shall assure that prevention education efforts are comprehensive, coordinated and age appropriate. Examples include: developmental guidance, advisor-advisee, peer involvement, after school programs and integration into instructional objectives.
The Board of Education shall provide access to training and technical assistance in research-based and effective models for prevention education in the areas of alcohol, tobacco and substance abuse. Training, technical assistance and support also be provided in the effective use of student assistance teams to identify students who are at-risk and to develop interventions to assure school success for these students.
If a student is tardy to class, he/she is required to report to the SWARM station (in the main office) to retrieve an admission slip to class. The student will present this slip to the classroom teacher to be admitted to class. After 5 warnings, the student will receive detention and will need to retain the copy of the admit slip as it is also a detention slip.
Title IX
East Fairmont High School endeavors to comply with all provisions of Title IX (effective July 23, 1975) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (effective June 3, 1977) with our policy of nondiscrimination. East Fairmont High School does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, creed, or handicap where students, classes, and personnel are concerned.
Use of Telephone
School telephones (located in the main office) are for student use in the event of an emergency. Emergency phone messages from parents/guardians will be delivered to students.
EFHS will provide communication between parents and students during classes. Please do not call/text students during class time.
All visitors to East Fairmont High School are required to report to the Main Office upon their arrival to the school. Students are not permitted to bring guests with them to school.
Board employees (maintenance, etc.) are designated with identification badges.
Any student planning to bring a non-EFHS student to an East Fairmont sponsored dance must complete and submit for approval a “Dance Guest Approval Form”. The forms are to be returned to the main office by the week prior to the dance. The approved guest must be no younger than a freshman in high school; post-high school guests will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
Withdrawal from School and Class Procedures
Any student enrolled at EFHS who plans to transfer to another school needs to go to the school they will be attending and complete the necessary paperwork. The receiving school will send a records release to EFHS for the student’s files to be sent to the new school.
If a student is considering withdrawing from EFHS, the student and guardian must schedule a meeting with the principal and guidance counselor to discuss options.
Signature Page
(Remove and return to Homeroom Teacher)
I ___________________________have received a copy of the 2022-23 Student Handbook.
I have read and understand each of the following policies, codes, and procedures and agree to follow each.
· Add/drop course Procedure
· Attendance Policy
· Dress Code
· Discipline Policy
· Electronic Device Policy
· Exam Policy and Extension Procedures
· Graduation Requirements
· Make-Up Work Policy
· Sign-In/Sign-Out Policy
· Substance Abuse Policy
· Tardy Policy
__________________________________ ___________
Student Signature Date
Homeroom Teacher: ______________________________
Student WVEIS Number: __________________________
__________________________________ ___________
Parent/Guardian Signature Date