Positive Respectful Involved Determined Excellence
221 Mason Street
Fairmont, WV 26554
Phone Number:
Fax Number:
***Arrival and Departure Procedures
Students arrival and departure will be determined by their bus schedule, however students who are privately transported should not arrive prior to 6:45am, but before 7:15am. When dropping off, all vehicles are to drive up Alta Vista Avenue and turn right onto Mason Street. Students can exit the vehicle anywhere along Mason Street and immediately walk down the side walk to the new stairs located in front of the school. Teachers will be available to monitor and assist students. We prohibit dropping off in any other area as it compromises safety and does not promote good relationships with our neighbors. If you do not have time to wait in the drop off line, allow your student to ride a bus to school. Students that are picked up or walk home will be released from the front doors facing Mason Street. When picking up your child you will not enter the parking lot but will park along Mason Street or Alta Vista Avenue. For the safety of the children walking, please refrain from parking along the adjacent streets during these times. Upon arrival, students should report to the gym or the cafeteria (breakfast). Students are not to report to their lockers until they are dismissed to first period. Students arriving after 7:15 a.m. need to receive a tardy slip from the office before reporting to class. Students riding first bell buses in the evenings will be dismissed at 2:14 pm. Students must ride the bus they are assigned. Walkers and students being picked up will be dismissed at approximately 2:17 pm. Walkers and pick-ups will be dismissed through the front door of the school only and must walk up the stairs to Mason Street. From there they may follow sidewalks to Morgantown Ave, Pittsburg Ave, Ohio Ave, or Alta Vista to meet their parents or walk home. Students should not be signed out in the office early unless there is an emergency or medical appointment.
What is PBIS at EFMS?
School-wide Positive Behavior Support as defined by the US Department of Special Programs:
- Refers to a systems change process for an entire school or district
- The underlying goal of these is to teach behavioral expectations in the same manner as any core curriculum subject.
- It is present throughout our county at every school.
At EFMS our goal is to improve student behavior, attendance, academic performance and
increase awareness of our SWPBIS pillars:
P – Positive
R – Respectful
I – Involved
D – Determined
E – Excellence
To address these we use:
* School-wide Honey Money (Reward) School Store
* Hornet Heroes
* End of the 9 Weeks Rewards
* Student recognition for displaying expected behaviors and the WVPBIS pillars
* Positive recognition and phone calls home
East Fairmont Middle School
Counseling Department
Phone: (304)367-2123
Fax: (304)367-2179
EFMS Counseling Department's Vision and Mission Statements
The vision of the school counseling program at East Fairmont Middle School is that all students are productive members of society. Our students are lifelong learners who achieve personal success and are responsible and productive citizens.
The mission of the East Fairmont Middle School counseling program is to provide developmental guidance and a comprehensive counseling program that addresses the overall needs of all students through academic, career, and personal/social development. While advocating for all student, we strive to ensure that all East Fairmont Middle School students have equal access to opportunities that will inspire them to be academically successful, self-motivated and respectful members of their community.
Call 211 - a free, confidential referral and information hotline that connects people from all communities and of all ages to essential health and human services they need, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Suicide Prevention Lifeline - 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
The Crisis Text Line - Text: HOME to 741741
WV Child/Adult/Domestic Violence Hotline: 1-800-352-6513
Safe Schools Helpline: 1-866-SAFEWVA (723-3982)
Emergency Help: 9-1-1
Parent and Student Resources
Debra Conover - Principal dconover@k12.wv.us
Heather Snodgrass - Assistant Principal hsnodgra@k12.wv.us
Bethany Pleyo- Assistant Principal bpleyo@k12.wv.us
School Counselors
Sam Parsons - Counselor - sdparsons@k12.wv.us
Danielle Bittenbender -Social Worker/Counselor - dbittenbender@k12.wv.us
Support Staff
Lori Ennis - Main Office lkennis@k12.wv.us
Cindy Utt - Financial Secretary cindy.utt@k12.wv.us
Shoshana Wilkinson - School Nurse shoshana.wilkinson@k12.wv.us