Free SAT test prep done by our own Math & English teachers on Sunday March 13 & Sunday, March 20 from 2:30-4:30 pm in the cafeteria! Also a session after school Tuesday, March 22, 2:45-4:00 pm. Sign up in your English class or on the form in the main office. Priority given to Juniors, but anyone can join the test prep classes. Sign ups start March 1 with your English teacher or in the main office.
Fairmont State is coming to the girls basketball East-West game on February 15th. Be there to meet admissions staff as well as alumni support staff. See the attached flyer for details!
Seniors, you need to complete your FAFSA. You never know where your future might take you! Fill it out now at:
FSHS girls basketball is collecting & donating stuffed animals to WVU Children's Hospital, but we need your help. We are only taking new stuffed animals that will fit in a gallon size Ziplock bag. Bring it to the game Thursday, February 3rd! Students get in for $1 + a new stuffed animal!
Freshman & sophomores. If you are interested in attending the votech next year, applications are due to Mr Eddy in guidance by Feb 16th
Juniors and seniors. Are you interested in learning more about working for the FBI while staying close to home? There is an opportunity to attend a day long training in February at the CJIS facility in Clarksburg to learn more about opportunities with the FBI right in your home area! See the guidance office for an application.
Thursday, February 3rd will be virtual parent/teacher conferences from 3-6pm. Look for a link to sign up for a virtual meeting in your LiveGrades message center. Meetings can be done by video conference or telephone call.
Make-up exams now Wednesday, Jan 26, even if delay schedule. Teachers will provide lessons for today via technological means so check your Google classroom or whichever place your teacher normally posts work.
Make-up exams now Tuesday, Jan 25, even if delay schedule. Teachers will provide lessons for today via technological means so check your Google classroom or whichever place your teacher normally posts work.
Once again we are moving make-up exams. Now make-up exams will occur on Monday, January 24th. Please be prepared to take your make-up final that day, even if there is a delay. For NTI work, contact your teachers for today's lessons.
If you are scheduled to take make-up exams, those exam make-ups will occur on Friday the 21st, even if there is a 2 hour delay. Teachers have been instructed how to handle exams in a shortened class schedule. Be prepared for your make-up final exam for Friday the 21st.
With the snow day Wednesday the 19th, make-up exams will occur on Thursday the 20th. If the 20th is a delay, make-up exams are Friday the 21st. A reminder that a valid excuse from administration is required to make up any missed exam. Check with your grade level administrator should you have any questions.
FSHS: With the snow day January 18, make up exams will occur on Wednesday, January 19th. A reminder that a valid excuse from administration is required to make up any missed exam. Check with your grade level administrator should you have any questions.
This is a reminder from administration that when signing a student out, written documentation is needed EVERY TIME. Students must also sign in and out through the main office, no exceptions. Thank you!!
Attention Parents and Students:
Students that are out of school for county approved reasons where the student misses the final exam as scheduled will receive an incomplete for that class. The incomplete may remain in place up to two weeks after which time the grade will be calculated with a zero exam grade. Completion of the make-up exam upon their return will allow the teacher to calculate and finalize the student’s grades. The county make-up work policy for absences will be followed for any other schoolwork. If you have any questions as to whether your student(s) absences meet the before mentioned criteria, please contact school administration at 304-367-2150 x8.
Thank you
With the weather delay for Monday, January 10, FSHS will begin exams on Tuesday, January 11. This essentially pushes the entire exam schedule back 1 day from the previous schedule.
Developing leaders and helping their community, the Fairmont Senior INTERACT Club, a part of Rotary International, organized a Christmas Angel Project this year. The Fairmont Senior club fundraised, purchased, and wrapped presents for needy youth in their community.
Hello students. Exam week is Jan 10-14. If you miss your exam you need a valid, written excuse approved by administration. If you have more than 2 exams in 1 day, work with your teachers to space them out. Schedule as follows:
Monday January 10- Science & Fine Arts
Tuesday January 11- English & PE/Health/Drivers Ed
Wednesday January 12- Math & CTE/FACS
Thursday January 13- Social Studies, Foreign Language & any electives not previously tested
Friday January 14- make up tests
If you a graduating high school senior, you may want to consider applying for the United States JCI Senate Foundation Scholarship Application. Applications must be postmarked no later than January 14, 2022. Visit:
The USAF wants Polar Bears!