Good morning Polar Bear Nation. Fairmont Senior High School will be having a code yellow drill at 9:50 am today, Wednesday November 15, 2023. The drill should last approximately 10 minutes as we practice safety measures with staff and students. Please refrain from entering campus until at least 10:00 am today so we may complete the drill. Access to the buildings will be denied during the drill. Thank you
8 months ago, Jim Green
Polar Bear Parents: If you haven't completed this short survey yet, there are a few more days left for you to give your input. FSHS Parents are asked to complete an online survey about school climate—the learning and teaching/working conditions—to help guide school improvement efforts. Your participation is voluntary. You may choose not to participate; not to answer any questions you do not want to answer; and you may stop participating at any time during the survey without penalty. Your responses will be anonymous and confidential. Parents can access the survey at: Parent login code: P047502
8 months ago, Jim Green
Attention Polar Bear football fans: The 2nd round is here vs the Philip Barbour Colts. Please use the link below to purchase tickets for the game Friday, November 17 at 7:30 pm. Go Bears!
8 months ago, Jim Green
Attention Polar Bear football fans: The link to buy tickets for the 1st round playoff game Friday, November 10, 7:30pm @ East West Stadium vs the Wayne Pioneers is below. This is the ONLY way tickets are being sold. Please share the link as necessary. Go Bears!
8 months ago, Jim Green
ticket QR
Attention Polar Bears: The Marion County Career, College and Industry Fair is this Thursday from 5:00 to 7:00 at the Fairmont Senior Fieldhouse. This fair is open to all 5th through 12th graders and will have two FAFSA (Financial Aid 101) sessions for Parents/guardians/ conducted by the West Virginia Higher Education Commission.
8 months ago, Jim Green
college fair
Attention Polar Bears: Today we had a fire alarm sound in the new gym cafeteria building which was then evacuated. This was a false alarm and students were never in danger. The MCBOE maintenance department is currently addressing the issue. Thank you
8 months ago, Jim Green
Attention Polar Bear Fans: As we had to move the Elkins game to cover Homecoming, tonight we don't have a football game. However we are still doing a senior night ceremony for the fall sports. If you wish to view the ceremony, use the link below. It will go live at 5:50pm.
8 months ago, Jim Green
Polar Bear Parents: If you haven't completed the survey yet, there are a few more days left for you to give your input. FSHS Parents are asked to complete an online survey about school climate—the learning and teaching/working conditions—to help guide school improvement efforts. Your participation is voluntary. You may choose not to participate; not to answer any questions you do not want to answer; and you may stop participating at any time during the survey without penalty. Your responses will be anonymous and confidential. Parents can access the survey at: Parent login code: P047502
8 months ago, Jim Green
Attention Polar Bear Nation: In an effort to better serve the parents and guardians of FSHS students, we are participating in the 2023 WV Learning Environment Survey. The online parent survey will be available from October 2 through November 17, 2023. Parents are asked to complete an online survey about school climate—the learning and teaching/working conditions—to help guide school improvement efforts. The results of this survey will be used to make changes in their child's school to ensure a supportive environment for teaching and learning. The survey may be completed from any computer with an internet connection. Parent participation in the survey is very important. When parents log onto the survey, they will see explanatory information about the survey and the important information below as to their rights as a survey participant: Your participation is voluntary. You may choose not to participate; not to answer any questions you do not want to answer; and you may stop participating at any time during the survey without penalty. Your responses will be anonymous and confidential. Parents can access the survey at: Parent login code: P047502
8 months ago, Jim Green
What an amazing day for Polar Bear Nation!! The first annual United Champions basketball game and PBIS reward day was an awesome experience for all at the FSHS Fieldhouse! To all that made this event happen, Ms. Rende, Coach Hines, Mr. Smith and the players, coaches, teachers, cheerleaders and fans, THANK YOU!!
8 months ago, Jim Green
United Champions
Riley & Dylan
National Anthem
Attention Polar Bears: Attached is a letter from Dr. Heston regarding inclement weather days for the 2023-24 school year.
8 months ago, Jim Green
inclement weather
Attention Polar Bear Seniors: As part of our college access and success program, we are in direct competition with the bees of East Fairmont to show we are and will always be #1 when it comes to college preparedness. Go now and fill out your Promise Scholarship application at the link below. Let's make Dr. Westfall from EFHS wear the true blue of MOJO NATION!!!
9 months ago, Jim Green
east west promise
Attention Polar Bears: Welcome to the launch of SparkWV, a new idea and business generation competition for West Virginia students. The competition helps students spark an idea of future opportunities and career options. It is open to any middle or high school student in West Virginia. Students will compete for up to $10,000 in prizes. This competition aligns with many of your students’ existing activities related to career readiness and postsecondary success and is a great opportunity to expose young minds to experiential learning that will help guide their choices in high school. To participate, students will need to complete an Intent to Apply via the VentureDash portal by November 10th. This is a simple registration that allows SparkWV’s organizers to coordinate the appropriate resources to fully support all participating students. After registering, students will need to complete the Round 1 Open Call submission requirements by November 30. This is where students share a little more about the business or idea they are proposing, decide if they want to compete individually or as a team, and select their competition track: Track 1: BIG IDEAS - Students have an idea for a product or invention that solves a problem, but don’t necessarily have the physical resources or expertise to make it. Examples: Apps, inventions, etc. Track 2: SMALL BUSINESS - Students have a business idea that is viable and could be started in their local community or a hobby/skill that they could sell. Examples: Homemade jewelry, local coffee shop, etc. SparkWV is coordinated by The EdVenture Group in partnership with the West Virginia Department of Education. The EdVenture Group will be hosting a series of SparkWV Info Sessions over the next few weeks to share further details on the program and competition requirements. Complete this short Interest Inquiry Form to register for a session and join the mailing list for updates. Session dates/times: A calendar invite will be sent for selected dates/times. Tuesday, October 10 | 12:00pm EST Thursday, October 12 | 8:00am EST Wednesday, October 18 | 4:00pm EST
9 months ago, Jim Green
Attention Polar Bear Fans: Tickets for Friday's Homecoming game are available online at the link below. If you pre-purchase tickets you can go through the "fast" line for pre-purchased tickets along Virginia Ave. See you Friday! Go Bears!
9 months ago, Jim Green
Attention Senior Polar Bears: Have you ever thought about going into the healthcare field? Do you like spaghetti? Check out the attached flyer and sign up below for "Science Over Supper" Thursday, October 19 right here at FSHS!
9 months ago, Jim Green
science over supper
Attention Polar Bears: This is a friendly reminder that Parent Teacher Conferences are today from 3:00 to 6:00 pm at FSHS. Please stop by and talk to our children's teachers. Go Bears!
9 months ago, Jim Green
Attention Polar Bears: If you have ever thought about being a veterinarian? WVU is hosting a career day October 14. See the attached flyer for more details.
9 months ago, Jim Green
wvu vet flyer
Attention Polar Bears: Please see the attached flyer announcing the Marion County Career, College and Industry Fair. This fair is open to all 5th through 12th graders and will have two FAFSA (Financial Aid 101) sessions for Parents/guardians/ conducted by the West Virginia Higher Education Commission. The fair date is November 2nd from 5:00 to 7:00 at the Fairmont Senior Fieldhouse.
9 months ago, Jim Green
career fair
Attention Polar Bears: This Friday we take on the Mohigans of Morgantown. To pre-purchase tickets for the game, please use the link to order digital tickets. Look for the digital tickets only entrance at the stadium for quick entry to your seats.
9 months ago, Jim Green
Attention Lady Polar Bears: Do you have a homecoming dress you will never wear again? Consider donating to the homecoming dress swap drive this weekend and next week. Also, if you want a new dress to wear, come shop next week at the hours listed on the attached flyer. Go Bears!
9 months ago, Jim Green
homecoming dresses