Student Handbook
Fairview School my Alma Mater, Alma Mater brave and true. Red and black we’ll always cherish, love and worship will be true. When the day is over and the sky is blue, we will all remember the days we’ve spent with you. When the shades of night are falling and the cares of day are through, Fairview School, my Alma Mater, we will ever think of you.
Fairview Middle School recognizes that each child is an individual, that all children are creative and that all children need to succeed. Therefore, Fairview Middle respects the individual needs of children, fosters a caring and creative environment and emphasizes the social, emotional, physical and intellectual development of each child.
The West Virginia Department of Education has prepared a Code of Conduct for West Virginia Students that emphasizes that students behave in a manner that promotes a school environment that is nurturing, orderly, safe and conductive to learning and personal-social development. It states that all students shall: (1) help create an atmosphere free from bullying, intimidation and harassment; (2) demonstrate honesty and trustworthiness; (3) treat others with respect, deal peacefully with anger, use good manners and be considerate of the feelings of others; (4) demonstrate responsibility, use self-control and be self-disciplined; (5) demonstrate fairness, play by the rules and not take advantage of others; (6) demonstrate compassion and caring; (6) demonstrate good citizenship by obeying laws and rules, respecting authority, and cooperating with others.
Students are required by West Virginia Law to attend school regularly and promptly. This law is enforced vigorously at Fairview Middle School. Excused absences are for verified illnesses by a physician, medical appointments, death in the immediate family, or a valid reason approved by the principal. It is important for you to attend school regularly.
Arriving at school late: If you arrive at school after homeroom has begun, you are to report to the main office with a note from your parent or guardian explaining your tardiness. Students with excessive tardiness will be referred to the principal for disciplinary action. School starts 8:25 AM and ends at 3:20 PM. If you arrive after 9:00 AM or leave before 2:30 PM, you will be counted absent for a half a day.
Leaving school early: If you must leave school early for an appointment, a parent/guardian must sign you out in the office.
The school counselor works with the students and parents through a variety of programs. The Comprehensive School Counseling Program adheres to the American School Counselor Association and West Virginia Board of Education Policy 2315. The program is designed to enhance academic and learning development, career development and life planning, and personal and social development and builds global citizenship skills for all students.
The Student Assistance Team at Fairview Middle School helps meet the needs of students with behavioral, academic and emotional problems. A team comprised of the principal, at least 3 teachers, and the student’s parents meet and decide how to provide the student with the best possible education experience while at Fairview Middle. Special education classes, tutoring or counseling may be recommended.
Students are charged according to federal guidelines. An application for free or reduced lunches will be provided in your child’s opening day packet or you may fill out an application at Any students wishing to have this service must first fill out an application. All meals, prior to an application being approved, will be charged to the student’s account and the parent/guardian will be required to make restitution.
The School Messenger System is a computer generated phone call. When there is an important message that is to be related to parents/guardians, the school or County Office will generate this call. Please make sure your current phone number is on file at the school so you receive these notices.
Access student’s grades and calendar through LiveGrades: Please check your child’s grades regularly. If you do not have a user name or password, please contact the school.
Marion County Board of Education:
Fairview Middle uses the grading scale recommended by the Marion County Board of Education for middle schools within the county: A = 90-100%; B = 80-89%; C = 70-79%, D = 60-69%, F = anything below 60%. Students not completing required work in a class will receive an incomplete (I). A final grade will be issued by the teacher. Mid-term reports will be sent home in the middle of each nine week period. Parents may follow their student’s grades on Livegrades.
Homework shall be related to objectives being covered in the classroom. Homework will be graded on a regular basis. Students who do not complete their homework, will be referred to Student Study Center (SSC) instead of receiving a 0%. 0% is unacceptable at Fairview Middle School.
All homework requests for absent students will be made only if they miss more than one day. Please make requests by 9:00 AM. Work will be available in the office after 2:00 PM that same day. It is the student’s responsibility to ask his/her teacher on the day they return to school from an absence for make-up work. A student will be given ample time to make up work (If you miss one day, you get one day to make up you work. If you miss two days, you get two days to make up your work, etc.).
All students are assigned a locker. Books and materials placed in a locker are the responsibility of the student. Money and valuables should never be kept in a locker. You may secure your locker with a lock that you purchase. If you have a lock on your locker, you must provide the office with your combination or a duplicate key, depending on the type of lock you use. All lockers and their contents are subject to search under the condition of reasonable suspicion. School officials may seize any items that violate school rules or criminal laws.
Students are only allowed to call home for sickness or a personal emergency situation. Forgetting trapper, homework, gym clothes, etc. is not considered an emergency. Remembering to bring required items to school is part of the TRIBE program.
It is of utmost importance that students attend school for the complete instructional day. However, if a student must leave school early, a parent/guardian must sign that student out in the office. If a student arrives late to school, for any reason, he/she must come to the office and sign-in before going to class. It is very important to sign-in or the student will be counted absent for the day. Students that make it a habit of arriving to school late will be referred to the principal for disciplinary action.
Each teacher has a set of rules for his/her classroom that will be made known to the student the first week of school. If a child breaks a classroom rule, he/she will be referred to the office for disciplinary action and if needed, a parent/guardian will be notified via telephone or letter.
All medication is to be turned in to the office with a doctor’s instructions on administration of said medication. Original prescription bottles/containers will suffice. The only exception to the rule is inhalers. Students are encouraged to keep inhalers in their possession at all times. However, a letter of prescription for the inhaler is to be turned in to the office. Over the counter drugs are not permitted in a student’s possession. If a student is in need of cough drops, he/she must bring a note from home that gives permission to take them. Students are not to share cough drops or inhalers with other students. Violation of this rule will result in punishment and said student will no longer be allowed the privilege of carrying cough drops on their person.
If an accident is classified as a crisis situation, listen to your teacher. They will follow the procedures outlined in the Fairview Middle School Crisis/Emergency Guide.
Students are to be mindful of voice volume and be well mannered in the hallways at all times. No running or shoving is permitted.
Fairview Middle School student assignment journals will kept in google classroom on their chrome books:
Fairview Middle School does not carry accident or health insurance on students. Insurance information is provided to each student in the packet they bring home the first day of school. West Virginia Children’s Health Insurance Program (WVCHIP) is also available to low income families. You may contact your local Department of Health and Human Resources the Family Matters Hotline (1-888-983-2645) to apply for this program or go online to apply at
Students must bring a note from home if there have been alternative arrangements made for after school. Then the student must have a note from the office to walk downtown or to ride another bus after school if this is not their normal routine.
Promotion will be based on student performance in the five core subject areas: reading, math, English, social studies and science. A parent/guardian shall be notified when a student is in danger or retention. A meeting will be held with the parent/guardian to determine retention. Final decision concerning retention rests with the principal, student assistance team and the parent/guardian.
TRIBE Program stands for Trustworthy Responsible Individuals Believing in Excellence. Proactive behavioral interventions will be implemented through the TRIBE Program. Students that show positive behavior in school will be rewarded Arrowhead Cards. Broken Arrows will be issued to those students who do not follow the guidelines.
Students who show positive behavior are rewarded with Arrowhead Cards. With Arrowhead Cards, students may purchase items from the Trading Post in the office such as school supplies, small gift items or snacks. Arrowhead Cards are also required for participation in monthly reward activities.
Broken Arrows are given to students who: (1) do not turn in homework on time; (2) do not bring required materials to class (paper, pencils, books, etc.); (3) do not have required papers signed by a parent/guardian; (4) do not stay on task; and (5) do not enter assignments in journal daily. Students who receive 10 broken arrows in a month will be placed in the PRINCIPAL’S CLUB.
Students who have difficulty following the TRIBE program or Discipline Policy could be placed in the Principal’s Club. This group will not receive any rewards until they can prove they can follow rules of the school. This group will be monitored by the principal weekly and can work his/her way out of the Principal’s Club.
At the end of each month, students who are eligible will be rewarded. This reward might be a Beach Party, Movie, Easter Egg Hunt, Frisbee Day, Free Period in the gym, Relay Race, etc. To attend the reward, a student must meet the following requirements: (1) have four Arrowhead Cards; (2) no suspensions for the month; (3) no more than 2 detentions in the month; and (4) no more than 5 Broken Arrows for the month.
Fairview Middle School staff has made it a goal that all students will succeed in school. In doing this, students must be accountable for work that needs turned in. Students who do not complete their homework will be referred to SSC. SSC supervisors will pull students from non-Core Classes to complete their work. All work completed in SSC will be graded and 65% of that grade will be recorded as their final grade for that particular assignment.
An academic support system for students and parents built around a school-wide electronic database that tracks missing assignments. All students completing all assignments is the foundation of this program. Students learn quickly that if they have one missing or poor quality assignment, their grade is “sick” and needs attention. It is crucial that parents, teachers, and administrators are all on the same page and convey the message that “all students will complete all assignments and do quality work”. If your child is placed on the ICU list: (1) You will receive a text and/or an email message; (2) Your child will be given an opportunity to complete the assignment of his/her own; (3) If the work remains unfinished, additional arrangements may become necessary for your child to complete the assignment (e.g. before school, during lunch, after school, etc.). Names are removed from the ICU list when assignments are completed and quality work has been done. We look forward to helping your child master the content they need to be prepared for future academic endeavors.
Apparel worn to school by students cannot be disruptive to the learning process. Examples of inappropriate clothing include but are not limited to: pajama pants, spandex clothing, shorts shorter than fingertip length, tank tops that have less than a 3 inch strap, shirts with cut off sleeves, halter tops, sleeveless shirts, chains, and hats. Clothing with alcohol or drug ads, vulgar language or inappropriate pictures or words will not be tolerated. Students caught violating this rule will be sent to the office to call home for appropriate clothing. If a student is unable to obtain a change of clothing, that student will spend the day in the office where his/her assignments will be provided. If this continues to be a habit with a particular student, further disciplinary action will be taken and possible suspension.
All purses, handbags and book bags are to be kept in student locker.
The Marion County Board of Education is committed to providing safe schools and has taken the position of ZERO TOLERANCE with respect to threats, weapons, and drugs in schools and on school property. We are committed to ensuring the safety and well-being of all students and staff. Any threat against a student or staff member will result in immediate suspension from school and local law enforcement agencies will be notified. Rumors of threats will be investigated fully and local law enforcement will be notified. Please report any threats or acts of violence immediately to the teacher, counselor or principal.
*Examples of a student who bullies, harasses, or intimidates are: (1) exhibiting ongoing disrespect to any individual; (2) threatens to inflict injury using specific language; (3) intentionally harms another individual; (4) exhibits sexual, racial or religious harassment of another individual.
*Intentionally destroys property.
*Possess or uses tobacco products.
*Uses foul language or gestures.
*Physical fighting.
*Skipping class.
*Leaving school property without permission.
*Disrupting, skipping or failing to report to detention.
*Throwing snowballs or other objects that may cause harm.
*Showing absolute defiance toward authority.
*Possessing matches or lighters.
Consequences will follow the Marion County discipline policy.
Display of affection such as kissing, holding hands, leaning on each other, walking with arms around each other, etc. are considered in poor taste and therefore are not permitted in school.
Fireworks or explosives or any kind are not permitted in school or on school property.
Electronic devices are not to be brought to class or activities unless a teacher requests that a student bring them (Ipads, cell phones, Apple watches, etc.). If a student is caught with a cell phone or an on-line active Apple watch during the school day, it will be taken from them and turned in to the office. For the first offense with a cell phone/Apple watch, the student will have to meet with the principal at the end of the day to retrieve his/her item. For the second offense with a cell phone/Apple Watch, a parent/guardian will have to pick up the item from the principal. Further discipline actions regarding a cell phone offense will be at the discretion of the principal.
Any student that makes a threat with a gun, knife, bomb or other life threatening device shall be suspended for no less than 10 days. The police department and the Marion County Board of Education will be notified immediately and further disciplinary action may be taken. State law will be followed if a student brings a firearm or other deadly weapon of any kind, drugs or alcohol on school property. The consequences may include criminal charges being filed as well as expulsion from school for one year. For County or State Laws regarding the discipline of students, contact the school or Marion County Board of Education.
Marion County Policy 1.2414 section 4.2.1 shall be followed.
Situations that require detention will be determined by the principal. Excessive detentions will require a meeting with a parent/guardian to discuss alternative punishment or possible suspension.
*Level 1 – Written reprimand
*Level 2 – Detention
*Level 3 – Meeting with principal and parent and possible suspension
To participate in a school sponsored extra-curricular activity (sporting event, dance, club meeting, etc.) after school, the student must be present at least ½ of the school day of the event.
Students participating in after school activities that are school sponsored must travel with a parent/guardian, Board employee, or Board approved chaperone when a bus is not provided. If a bus is provided, students must ride the bus or get prior approval from the principal for alternate means of transportation. See Marion County Extra Curricula Transportation Policy for more information.
Students participating in school sponsored athletics must meet the requirements set by the WVSSAC as listed: (1) 2.0 GPA for the past semester; (2) all transfer and residence requirements; (3) age appropriate; (4) medical physical required; (5) proof of insurance. The following school rules must also be followed: (1) student must be present at least ½ of the school day of the event in order to practice, participate or attend a sporting event unless he/she is on a school sponsored field trip, their bus did not run or there was a cancellation of school that day; (2) student will not be permitted to participate if he/she is suspended from school. Any student who exhibits unruly behavior, displays poor sportsmanship, or does not represent the school in a positive manner may temporarily be benched, suspended from practice or game, or suspended from a team.