Student Handbook
All Lion Students are expected to follow ALL guidelines and policies which include, but are not limited to, MMS policies and updates throughout the school year, Marion County School policies, and West Virginia State Law and West Virginia State Board of Education policies.
Lion students follow all teachers' classroom rules and classroom management plans.
Lion students are honest. This includes assignments, possessions, witnessing, etc.
Lion students show respect for self and others. They do not display physical/verbal disrespect or intimidation.
Lion students are to report to classes on time. They must receive permission from their teacher to visit the restroom, office, nurse, or any other area. Teachers will give students a hall pass to leave their classroom.
Lion students are not to congregate in any unsupervised areas of the school.
During PE students are to wear gym shoes and appropriate clothing for exercise. Students are not required to change for gym, but must have on athletic type clothing and shoes to participate. All students are expected to participate, so be sure to dress appropriately for exercise.
Computer users MUST follow the county Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) and NOT permitted at ANYTIME is the use of wireless communication devices (cell phones, walkie-talkies), playing cards, trading cards, laser pointers, MP3 players, iPods, iPads, smart watches, or handheld games of any kind.
Closed Campus- Students are NOT permitted to leave the school grounds at any time unless they have been signed out by a parent or guardian. Once a student is on a school bus, dropped off at the school by vehicle, or arrives at campus on foot, that student is to remain in their assigned area until dismissal.
School Meals- Students attending all Marion County schools have the opportunity to eat school breakfast or lunch free of charge. Extra mild is 25 cents.
Classroom Management Plan- Each teacher will provide students will a copy of their classroom management plan. This includes guidelines for earning rewards/trips. The management plan outlines the teacher's academic and behavior expectations and consequences.
Student Textbooks- Textbooks are provided and are issued to be used for the entire school year. Students are expected to take care of them and return them at the end of the school year. If a textbook is lost, vandalized, or filled inappropriate writings, the family will be responsible for paying the replacement cost of a new one. Student planners are considered an additional textbook that is purchased for students by the MCBOE. Handbooks are to be used for the entire school year. Students are to take care of them as an issued textbook and, if lost, pay a $10 replacement fee. Students are expected to use the planner period-by-period on a daily basis. All teachers encourage daily use by the students and utilize it as a communicator between school and home. Students are responsible for checking with the teacher and/or classmates about missed work or assignments.
Electronic Device/Cell Phone Policy- All Marion county policies can be found at Electronic devices, including cell phones, must be turned off and not used during the school day. Phones and other electronic devices are to be placed in a student's locked locker. They are not permitted, in any way, to disrupt the educational setting of the school. Students are not to use their phone to make phone calls, send and receive text, access the internet, capture videos and/or pictures, or post on any social media site during the school day. If you need to contact your student during the school day, call the office. It is understood that students and parents may find it easier to contact one another via cell phone, but doing so encourages students to disregard expectations. If a students is found to be using an ECD, the following steps will be taken: 1st Offense: The device is turned in tot he office, the incident documented and the item returned to the student at the end of the day. 2nd Offense: The device is turned in to the office, the incident documented and the item must be picked up by a parent/guardian. 3rd Offense: The item is turned in to the office, the incident documented, and the item will be returned to the student after a conference between parents and an administrator. Students' off-campus conduct that might reasonably be expected to cause disruption in the school may be prohibited or disciplined. This includes social media postings, group messages, or anything created for the purpose of inviting others to indulge in disruptive and hateful conduct towards a student or staff member.
Curricular and Extracurricular Programs- Monongah Middle offers many activities. Students must maintain a GPA of 2.0 or higher, have an approved physical form (athletics), and display acceptable behavior. Students representing MMS, as participants or spectators, must adhere to both academic and behavioral expectations at all times.
Dress Code- Students have the responsibility to dress neatly, to be clean and well groomed, and to wear school-appropriate clothes. We encourage students to make clothing choices that are consistent with out school-s mission and with the learning and social environments we all strive to provide for all students. Guidelines will be discussed during class meetings and sent home at a later date.
Expected Behavior in a Safe and Supportive School- Schools must consistently and persistently work to improve student knowledge, skills, and dispositions that convey our nation's democratic principles. Dispositions are the values, commitments, and ethics that influence one's behavior toward others and affect learning, motivation, and development. Dispositions are affected by beliefs and attitudes related to values such as caring, fairness, honesty, responsibility, and social justice. Ideally, the teaching and learning of these valued dispositions should be a shared responsibility of every school employee, student, and parent and community member. All stakeholders should be engaged in supporting the development of these dispositions.
School-Wide Positive Behavior Support- PBIS is designed to accentuate and acknowledge the positive student behavior in the school setting. PBIS strives to teach students consistent school expectations, acknowledge responsible and appropriate behavior, and reteach expectations periodically to encourage student success. The MMS PBIS team organizes rewards for students who are consistently making positive choices and following behavioral and academic expectations each nine weeks. The three R's are used to reflect our high expectations at MMS. Respect, Responsible, Ready! In order to be eligible for rewards, students must attend school, be on time, complete and turn in assignments, and follow all expectations.