Dear Parents and Families,
Fan apparel orders are in, and have been given to your students. Please check your child's backpack, as the orders have been placed in plastic bags with the attached order. Thank you for your participation.
Have a good evening!
Dear Parents and Families,
Fan apparel orders are in, and have been given to your students. Please check your child's backpack, as the orders have been placed in plastic bags with the attached order.
Please take a few minutes to complete our Climate/Culture Survey. Thank you for your input.
Parents and Families,
Please remember that drop off time for students in the morning begins at 8:15. Please make sure your children are not dropped off before that time, unattended. Also, we ask that parents and families utilize the lower lot when dropping off and picking up your children.
Kindergarten Families,
Here are some dates and times in which you can come to the school to sign paperwork and receive your child's laptop. If you need to come at another time, please feel free to call the office to make an appointment.
9/11 Wednesday 9-12
9/13 Friday 1-4
9/16 Monday 2-5
Mistake on calendar on the back of the menu. Fourth grade graduation IS Thursday, May 23 @ 10:00 am
Rain date is May 28.
#whattowear - Tuesday, April 30 - wear blue for Autism Awareness
Reminder students are to have water only in their water bottles.
MCBOE is providing each student glasses to wear during the eclipse tomorrow, please talk to your child about the importance of wearing these glasses when leaving school until inside your home. According to various sources, this will be peak time of the eclipse.
Third and Fourth grade will be taking the writing portion of the W V G S A on Monday, March 11. Please make sure your child is at school on time. Make sure they get a good night's sleep, have a positive morning and a good breakfast. If eating breakfast at school, make sure they are here by 8:30.
Third and Fourth grade will be taking the writing portion of the W V G S A on Monday, March 11. Please make sure your child is at school on time. Make sure they get a good night's sleep, have a positive morning and a good breakfast. If eating breakfast at school, make sure they are here by 8:30.
Book Fair is next week (March 11-15)!
Cash or eWallet
Families can use this website to set up their student's eWallet for cash-free shopping.
Book Fair Homepage (
Monongah Elementary will have their annual LSIC Town Hall meeting on March 18 at 4:00 pm in the school library. Academic progress and building improvements will be presented and discussed.
PreK (4 by 7/1) & Kindergarten (5 by 7/1) due by March 1.
K packets can be picked up at the school.
PreK register online.
Call the school if you have any questions 304-367-2159.
Kids Heart Challenge is coming to Monongah Elementary soon!
We have exciting things planned this year to get us moving, helping others and having fun. Get a head start by signing up today! Visit our school page at:
or download the free “AHA Schools” app.
Wednesday, January 17, 2024 is a Climate Day. Students complete Climate Packet #1. You will have 2 days after returning back to school to turn in packet. Stay safe and warm!
Tuesday, January 2 is a 2-hour delay for students. Lunch is Popcorn Chicken. Happy New Year!
Christmas program Reminder:
Monday, December 18
@ North Marion Auditorium
PreK, Kindergarten, 1st grade @ 10:00
2nd, 3rd, 4th @ 12:30
Students will ride the bus to and from NMHs
Holiday #whattowear