Mission Statement – It is the mission of WFMS to create a generation of learners using the West Virginia College and Career Readiness Standards in a safe learning environment by providing clear and consistent expectations; thus, creating robust and relevant learners who can perform successfully in college, careers, and life.
ADDRESS : 110 10th Street
Fairmont, WV 26554
Phone: 304-366-5631
Fax: 304-366-5636
Principal - Mr. Curtis Crabtree
Assistant Principal 7/8 - Mrs. April Evans
Assistant Principal 5/6 - Mrs. Nancy Joseph
WFMS Dress Code Guidelines 2024 - 2025
WFMS administration and staff will not infringe upon a student’s individual right to freedom of expression through their clothing choices, as long as their clothing meets the guidelines for what is not considered hazardous, indecent, or inappropriate.
Students will cover and not show anything considered as “private” during the school day.
This includes while moving and while at rest.
· No see-through clothing.
· Clothing so tight it reveals private areas or can potentially become see-through are not allowed.
· Clothes that are so loose they reveal or potentially reveal private areas are not allowed.
· Length of shorts or skirts or dresses or kilts must be such that it does not reveal or potentially reveal private areas during movement, sitting, or standing.
· Length of shirt must be such that it does not reveal or potentially reveal private areas during movement, sitting, or standing.
· No bathing suits.
· No undergarments as outerwear.
· Clothing must be larger than underwear or bathing suit size (tops and bottoms).
· Inappropriate slogans or pictures on clothing include anything symbolic of alcohol, drug, or tobacco and/or its use, sexually explicit words, phrases or pictures, suggestive words that are gang related, and/or racially offensive.
· No hazardous apparel or accessories allowed. Hazardous apparel or accessories includes anything that can be used as a weapon by being worn (example; spiked wrist bands, rings with protruding edges, chain wallets, etc.)
· Hats and hoodies are not allowed to be worn inside buildings. Individual considerations will be made for cultural, medical, or physically needed head coverings.
· All clothing “tops” cannot have any vertical openings exposing any part of the middle of the torso (front, back, or sides).
· Clothing should meet these guidelines without the need for constant adjustment and care by the student.
WFMS administration reserves the right for final decision regarding the dress code at WFMS at any time.
Students found in violation of the dress code will receive the following consequences:
· 1st occurrence: The student will be given a minor referral and asked to change or call a parent for a change of clothes.
· 2nd occurrence: The parent will be notified, a major referral will be issued, and one day of lunch detention will be assigned.
· 3rd occurrence: The parents will be notified and 1 day of ISS will be issued.
· 4th occurrence: OSS will be issued.
WFMS Cell Phone Policy 2024-2025
Electronic devices including cell phones must be turned off and not used during the school day. Upon entry into the school, students are to put cell phones in backpacks, and they are not to be out in any area of the school. Phones and all other electronic devices will be placed in a student’s locked locker before 1st period. They are not permitted, in any way, to disrupt the educational setting of the school. Students are not to use their phones to make phone calls, send and receive text, access the internet, capture videos and/or pictures, or post on any social media site during the school day. Students should not be using a smart watch in any of the manners provided above, and should not be wearing air pods or wireless earbuds as those will also fall under this policy. If parents need to contact their student during the school day, they will need to call the office. It is understood that students and parents may find it easier to contact one another via cell phone, but doing so encourages students to disregard expectations. If a student is found to be using an electronic device, the following steps will be taken;
· 1st offense: The device is turned in to the office, a minor referral will be issued, and the item will be returned to the student at the end of the day.
· 2nd offense: The device is turned in to the office, a major referral will be issued, and the item must be picked up by a parent/guardian. The student will receive 3 days of structured lunch.
· 3rd offense: The item is turned in to the office, a major referral will be issued, and the item will be returned to the student after a conference between the parents and an administrator. The student will receive 1 day of ISS.
· 4th offense or refusal to remit device to school authority will result in 1 day of OSS. Students’ off-campus conduct that might reasonably be expected to cause disruption in the school may be prohibited or disciplined. This includes blogs and social media postings, group messages, or anything created for the purpose of inviting others to indulge in disruptive and hateful conduct towards a student or staff member.
Privately-Owned Electronic Devices in School Policy
For purposes of this policy, “Privately-Owned Electronic Device” means any device that is used for internet access, audio, video, or text communication or any other type of computer or computer-like instrument that is not owned and issued by the school including:
(a) a tablet;
(b) a virtual reality device; OR
(c) a personal laptop/Chromebook
Possession and Use of Privately-Owned Electronic Devices
Students may NOT use any privately-owned electronic devices during school hours. All privately-owned electronic devices are to be locked in the student’s locker during the school day. Students will only be permitted to utilize school issued devices from this point forward. If your student has not received a school issued Chromebook, you may contact the school if you wish to do so.
If a student violates this policy, his/her privately owned electronic device may be confiscated. If it is a student’s first offense, the device will be given back to the student at the end of the school day. Anything after the first offense will result in the device only being released to the student’s parent or guardian. Consequences may be given at the discretion of administration if a student has violated this policy.
Disclaimer: This policy is not to be confused with or replace our Cell Phone policy that is in place currently. This policy on privately-owned electronic devices is in addition to the WFMS Cell Phone policy.
7th and 8th grade students are to be picked up on Minor Ave behind the school. 5th and 6th grade students are to be picked up at the front of the school. Be sure to form a line and follow the flow of traffic to keep all students safe. If you have a student in both the lower and upper grades, you may choose which area your students will be picked up from. Be sure to inform your students as to where you will be located.

Common Ground
Information for military connected students can be found at:
Our school point of contact for anything regarding military connected families: Nancy Joseph
I am happy to announce that the latest issue of the Purple Star Informer has been published! You may review the issue by clicking here.
A complete list of military family points of contact may be reviewed at https://us20.campaign-archive.com/?u=e41ed0a7892401865f67fbf53&id=b3f981486e