April Popcorn Party Winners Pre-school-Miss Moran’s Class Kindergarten- Mrs. Koski’s Class 1st Grade we had a tie: Mrs. Denham and Mrs. Kusich 2nd Grade-Mrs. Kellar’s Class 3rd Grade- Miss Rakocky’s Class 4th Grade- Mrs. Cayton Mrs. Wood Miss Walker A HUGE thank you to PTO for helping with the popping of the popcorn!!
2 months ago, Erin Board
Welcome back! For the month of April we are working hard to earn a popcorn party for our class. Each grade level will compete and at the end of April the class per grade level with the most popcorn in their bucket will win the popcorn party! Families please remember your parent notes and doctor notes so that absences can be excused. Every day at school matters…..BEE here everyday!
3 months ago, Erin Board
Congratulations to Mrs. Kusich’s 1st Grade Class for winning the prize this week!! The class had no unexcused tardies this week!!!!! They enjoyed their prize today! Next week, we are focusing on prefect attendance. No unexcused tardies AND no unexcused early dismissals AND no unexcused absences. Please remember that if your child needs to leave or miss school you will need to provide the doctor’s note for it to be excused and count to the class goal.
3 months ago, Erin Board
Our March Madness Winners for the BEST attendance are: Pre-School-Miss Moran’s Class Kindergarten- Mrs. Koski’s Class 1st Grade-Mrs. Denham 2nd Grade-Mrs. Kellar 3rd Grade-Mrs. Parrish 4th Grade-Mrs. Mullenax The winners enjoyed their special lunch in the media center with music and a special sweet treat!!! Our attendance target for the week of March 18-22, 2024, is NO unexcused tardies!!!!!!! Let’s BEE on time for our learning and remain all day to achieve our goals!!!
4 months ago, Erin Board
Your Opinion Matters! We want to know what you think about our school! Please click link below and take a quick survey by March 15, 2024. https://forms.office.com/r/7cuTiuNWRv OR Scan the QR Code.
4 months ago, Melissa DeWitt
QR Code
We had a wonderful week at our book fair. Thank you to all the volunteers that came out and helped throughout the week!!!
4 months ago, Erin Board
Book Fair
March Madness Starting March 4, 2024, each grade level will go full court press against their grade level teammates and compete for the BEST attendance for the week. Every week the homeroom with the greatest attendance will charge to the next week until we are down to the last greatest homeroom with the ultimate attendance. Then the final buzzer beater will be the week of March 25, 2024, where all of the homerooms will box out to achieve the number one seed. (March Madness includes ALL tardies and ALL absences)
4 months ago, Erin Board
Here is the link to sign up to help our Book Fair Shoppers. Our spring book fair is scheduled for the week of February 26, 2024. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C084BADAC2DA5F8C34-47555934-spring
5 months ago, Erin Board
Our Santa Workshop was a HUGE success! Thank you to the PTO and every volunteer that helped with our shoppers each and every day!
7 months ago, Erin Board
A huge THANKYOU to our East Dale community. We were able to drop off many items of canned food and non-perishable items for the assistance with the Soup Opera.
7 months ago, Erin Board
https://bookfairs.scholastic.com/content/fairs/how-ewallet-works.html?fairId=5393274 Here is the link for the eWallet for our upcoming book fair.
9 months ago, Erin Board
Please sign up for the book fair and volunteer to help our shoppers! Here is the link to sign up!! Thank you! https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C084BADAC2DA5F8C34-44831047-book
9 months ago, Erin Board
Making "HISS -tory"... The Second Grade Team, Mrs. Kellar, Mrs. Ridenour, and Mrs. Wilson, has created a “Love and Kindness” Snake with the assistance of their learners using rocks donated by May Brothers Company. Our learning community is encouraged to “add a painted rock”. Let’s see how long we can make the snake grow!
9 months ago, Melissa DeWitt
Rock Snake Head
Body of Snake
More Snake Body
Patriot Week Activity... Mrs. Whinnie, Library/Media Specialist collaborated with Mr. David Tucker from the Marion County Historical Society to not only discuss opportunities offered at the museum but also to provide an overview of US History including The Constitution and Our Flag.
9 months ago, Melissa DeWitt
Mr. Tucker
Mr. Tucker
Mr. Tucker
Mr. Tucker
The City of Fairmont has reported a boil water advisory impacting East Dale Elementary for Tuesday September 19, 2023. No students should report to East Dale on September 19. Boil water advisory for East Dale. It is scheduled to be lifted at 5:00pm tomorrow. Staff Reports.
10 months ago, Erin Board
Attention PK and Kindergarten families: To aid a more efficient drop off and pick up line we are asking that children who need to be unbuckled or buckled in their car seats use the middle lane of the parking lot. Please assist your child out of their car seat and walk them to the front sidewalk. At that time the staff on duty will help them into the entrance of the schoo. Thank You!!
10 months ago, Erin Board
What a wonderful evening at East Dale. Our PTO hosted our annual Ice Cream Social where the learning community could come together and meet and talk with their teachers. Thank you to our PTO and everyone who came out to celebrate another school year. We had a great time, and we can’t wait to see you all next week!!
11 months ago, Erin Board
Ice Cream
ice cream
ice cream
If your child has any dietary or medical concerns, please provide documentation from a physician and any medicine MUST be at school prior to the first instructional day. Children CANNOT bring medicine with them to school. East Dale’s nurse will be at the school August 15 and 18 to answer any questions that you may have or for you to bring in any needed medication. Also, dietary forms are also available at East Dale.
11 months ago, Erin Board
Our first PTO Meeting will be held August 22 at 4:45pm Our first LSIC will be held on August 22 at 4:30pm The LSIC meeting intent is to elect LSIC officers.
11 months ago, Erin Board
PreK August 21st By Appointment Kindergarten August 18th 9am – 11am 1st Grade August 29th 4pm – 6pm 2nd Grade August 22nd 5:00pm 3rd Grade August 30th 5:00pm 4th Grade August 31st 4:30pm
11 months ago, Erin Board