Good Morning East Fairmont!
Everybody deserves something special on Valentine’s Day! Be sure to grab a treat for your sweetheart or yourself from the Hive Helpers outside Mrs. Snyder’s room during homeroom on Monday, February 14! There will be a variety of treats for $1 or a hot chocolate bar for $2.
In addition, the junior class has kicked off candy gram sales that will run through Valentine's Day. You can purchase your candy gram from Ms. Deane's room or Miss Butcher's room to have it sent to your Valentine during homeroom. Candy grams cost one dollar.
Mrs. Ely has applications for science honorary in room 210.
Interested in playing baseball this spring? Signups are in the main office.
Signups for the tennis team are in Ms. Sharpe's room 216.
Track signups will be in the cafeteria this Friday, February 2.
All Tech Center applications are due to the counseling office by February 9. If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Copenhaver.
There will be a Student Council and junior class meeting next Wednesday, February 9 immediately after school in Ms. Deane's class. Student Council representatives, senior and junior class officers and anyone with prom ideas are encouraged to attend.
All Boys' State applications need to be returned by February 10. If you have any questions, see Mrs. Copenhaver.
A representative from Mountaineer Challenge Academy will be here February 24 during Homeroom. If you have any questions or are interested in applying, please see Mrs. Copenhaver. Applications for the April class are being accepted now.
Seniors: The deadline to apply for the FAFSA is approaching on March 1. For more information visit the Class of 2024 on google classroom, website, or see Ms. Pinn.
The boys’ basketball team will take on Liberty at home this Friday. JV begins at 5:45 and Varsity at 7 p.m.
This Saturday the boys and girls basketball teams will play at home against Lewis and Hampshire Counties. Visit for game times.
Good Luck to the wrestlers this Saturday as they compete in the Big Ten at Philip Barbour as well as the swim team who competes in Regionals at Shepard University.
The SAT exam will be given on March 23 in school.
Education Alliance has made available several Virtual College Visits for students. The link is at Students can register for a “live” virtual tour or watch recordings of college visits. Students wanting to register for a “Live” tour during school hours can sign up with the counselors so they can be excused from class to participate in the tour. The first tour is on February 8.
Yearbooks are on sale for this year. Orders may be placed at or bring to Ms. Gerau in room 107.
The lunch menu for today is lasagna or pizza.
Make it a great day East Fairmont and Go Bees!