Announcements 02/24/22
Good Morning East Fairmont!
A representative from Mountaineer Challenge Academy will be today, February 24 during Homeroom. If you have any questions or are interested in applying, please see Mrs. Copenhaver. Applications for the April class are being accepted now.
Math tutoring with Mrs. Morgan is cancelled today, 2/24 due to Math Field Day.
Tennis will be starting March 1st and any students interested should see Ms. Sharpe in room 216
Education Alliance has made available several Virtual College Visits for students. The link is at Students can register for a “live” virtual tour or watch recordings of college visits. Students wanting to register for a “Live” tour during school hours can sign up with the counselors so they can be excused from class to participate in the tour.
Interested in Spanish Honorary? To apply, you need to have completed 3 semesters of high school Spanish with an A or B average each semester. See Mrs. Amos in room 120 for details and an application. (2/15-28)
Mrs. Ely has applications for science honorary in room 210.
Interested in playing baseball this spring? Signups are in the main office.
Signups for the tennis team are in Ms. Sharpe's room 216.
Track signups are in Ms. Dobrzynski’s room.
Girls’ State applications are still being accepted in the counseling office. See Ms. Pinn.
Seniors: The deadline to apply for the FAFSA is approaching on March 1. For more information visit the Class of 2022 on google classroom, website, or see Ms. Pinn.
All students who took the ASVAB will be meeting with the test coordinator on Friday, March 11 from 12-1:30 to go over their test results and ask questions. If you have any questions, please see Mrs. Copenhaver.
A Boys' State representative will be here on March 11 during homeroom to meet with all potential candidates in the LGI. If you have any questions, see Mrs. Copenhaver.
The SAT and PSAT exams will be given on March 23 in school.
Yearbooks are on sale for this year. Orders may be placed at or bring to Ms. Gerau in room 107.
Past yearbooks are now available for viewing on the school website. Look under the EFHS historical files tab.
The lunch menu for today is pizza or sloppy joes.
Make it a great day East Fairmont and Go Bees!