Announcements 03/14/22
Good Morning, East Fairmont!
Please stand for the pledge.
The English Honorary will meet Monday, March 14 during homeroom in Mrs. DeVault's room to plan our induction ceremony.
Any junior interested in running for Student Council to represent the student body next school year, please see Ms. Deane or Ms. Dobrzynski for necessary paperwork!
Anyone interested in joining Key Club needs to stop by Mrs. Merritt's room 201 to pick up an application.
Girls’ state applications are available until this Thursday 3/17.
The Field trip form for 10th, 11th, and 12th grades to travel to Fairmont State University on 3/24 are available in the counseling office.
Freshmen need to turn in their permission slips for the field trip to the Bridge and Robinson Grand Theater to Ms. Snyder by Friday, March 18. Please also turn in the money for the trip with your permission slip. If you have not received a permission slip, please see Ms. Snyder in Room 116
Quiz Bowl practice will now be Mondays after school in room 201. Anyone may attend.
Please be sure to sign the sign in sheet in the office when arriving late and the sign out sheet when leaving school early. These are located on Mrs. Golden's desk.
The SAT and PSAT exams will be given on March 23 in school.
Yearbooks are on sale for this year. Orders may be placed at or bring to Ms. Gerau in room 107.
Congratulations to the following students for being our newest members of MU ALPHA THETA. Old and New members please see Mrs. Emery today to sign up for tutoring.