Parent-Teacher Conference days and times are announced for each of the Marion County Schools. Families should contact their child's teacher for more specific information about how to connect on the dates and times listed below.
over 3 years ago, Marion County Schools
Parent Teacher Dates and Times
PTC Image
Today your child is bringing home an Information Envelope letting you know about an easy way for our school to raise funds for tools to help our students and teachers to succeed. The School Store is 100% online so there is no face-to-face selling, handling money or delivering. ❤️
over 3 years ago, K Higgins
Winter Coat Form
over 3 years ago, K Higgins
Reminder “Winter Coat Form” due tomorrow, 9/17/21. If you need another form, we have extra and will send home with your child - just let us know
Do it for Babydog: Round 2: Online registration is open for the sweepstakes. Weekly, 5 vaccinated WV students, 12-25, win a full 4-year scholarship – including room and board, tuition, and books – to any public college or university in WV. All 18 older who have had at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine can register for an opportunity to win additional prizes, including sports cars, free gas for 10 years, a dream wedding, season ticket packages to WVU and Marshall games, more!
over 3 years ago, Marion County Schools
Do it for BabyDog
MCS Child Nutrition Office has received word that its application as a countywide Community Eligibility Program has been approved for the 2021-22 school year. All students in MCS have the opportunity to eat breakfast and lunch at school at no cost through CEP. The CEP was enacted as a result of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act and provides universal meal service to children in high-poverty areas. What does this mean for students? If benefits become available again this year through the Pandemic EBT, ALL MCS families now qualify for these benefits. Marion County is an equal opportunity provider.
over 3 years ago, Marion County Schools
lunch tray
Like businesses across the nation, the MCS Child Nutrition Dept. has been experiencing some outs and shortages from our suppliers. MCS will continue to substitute products as possible from our suppliers. If we have to change menus, we work diligently to try to give plenty of notice to students and families. Updates are sent through your child’s school as necessary. We appreciate your patience, grace, and understanding.
over 3 years ago, Marion County Schools
ty sign
Help the WV DHHR and WVU Health Affairs gather data about Marion County. The Mountain State Assessment of Trends in Community Health (MATCH) is voluntary, confidential, and non-identifiable. See
over 3 years ago, Marion County Schools
Match Survey
Celebrate Freedom Week educates students about the sacrifices made for freedom in the founding of this country and the values on which this country was founded (WV State Code §18-2-9 ). In social studies classrooms, students will be learning of the Declaration of Independence, Emancipation Proclamation, and Constitution of the United States with an emphasis on the Bill of Rights. This includes the environments and the study of historical documents that inspired the founding fathers for the purposes of safeguarding our Constitutional republic.
over 3 years ago, Marion County Schools
Celebrate Freedom Week
Thursday, September 9 7:30 am - 2:30 pm Chromebook distribution for students grades 1-4 that did not receive one last year and Kindergarten students. Parent/Guardian and student must be present to sign paperwork. Help will be available to sign into computer first time if needed.
over 3 years ago, K Higgins
MCS will gather information about the levels of proficiency in English Language Arts and Math for grades 1 to 10 today through Sept. 17. This beginning of the year benchmark will help teachers plan instruction and interventions for the coming school year to recover instruction.
over 3 years ago, Marion County Schools
MCS provides insurance for our Dell 3100 Chromebooks . The enrollment window is open through October 4th at Kindergarten students will get packets at their school.
over 3 years ago, Marion County Schools
As we enter the months of inclement weather, MCS is releasing information so our families may proactively plan for any weather-related interruptions that may occur. Find out more:
over 3 years ago, Marion County Schools
weather related announcements
Fairmont State University Academy for the Arts is offering scholarship opportunities unique to the North Marion feeder area schools. Want to learn more, visit
over 3 years ago, Marion County Schools
🐾Monongah Elementary staff is doing the best we can to keep our students IN SCHOOL 5 days a week. Masks are being worn but can be pulled down while outside - we are asking that students pull them up while on the equipment (slide area and merry-go-round) as they are within inches of each other faces. If masks are taken completely off, they may end up on the ground or students could put someone else’s on. All students have been told this by their teachers and some choose to continue to wear their mask outside. Staff has purchased child size masks and have had donations from parents (Thank you!! Always accepting more.). Students are never left wearing a mask that is wet, dirty, or to big. Decisions are always made geared toward our 280 students’ best interest and safety while at school. We love our students and want to see them 5 days a week all year. I always welcome conversation and ideas concerning your child. Please do not hesitate to contact me (304-367-2159). 🐾Kim Higgins, Principal
over 3 years ago, K Higgins
#whattowear Friday, August 27 🐾Monongah Gear - red and/or black🐾
over 3 years ago, K Higgins
over 3 years ago, K Higgins
For updates on COVID-19 cases in MCS, visit our homepage daily or this link:
over 3 years ago, Marion County Schools
"Grit and grace" and "stick together and take care of each other," are the words of 1986 graduate of North Marion High School and the first female WVU Mountaineer and former WV Secretary of State Natalie Tennant: #MCSgetbackinthegame
over 3 years ago, Marion County Schools
Natalie Tennant
There are two ways you can check out our virtual open house: 1. Scan the QR code with your phone's camera 2. Click on this link Password: MESLions
over 3 years ago, K Higgins
FlipGrid QR Code
Marion County Schools releases 2021-22 Quarantine Guidelines Summary Document at In the K–12 indoor classroom setting, a quarantine excludes students who were within 3 to 6 feet of an infected student if both the infected student and the exposed student(s) correctly and consistently wore well-fitting masks the entire time. See more information at the above link.
over 3 years ago, Marion County Schools
Quarantine Chart