"Grit and grace" and "stick together and take care of each other," are the words of 1986 graduate of North Marion High School and the first female WVU Mountaineer and former WV Secretary of State Natalie Tennant: https://5il.co/xos8 #MCSgetbackinthegame
Marion County Schools releases 2021-22 Quarantine Guidelines Summary Document at https://5il.co/xmt5. In the K–12 indoor classroom setting, a quarantine excludes students who were within 3 to 6 feet of an infected student if both the infected student and the exposed student(s) correctly and consistently wore well-fitting masks the entire time. See more information at the above link.
Given a review of Marion County trends in COVID-19 cases, in collaboration with the MC Health Department, MCS will extend the current mask mandate in all indoor spaces for all students and staff, regardless of vaccination status, to the end of the first semester. This mandate was originally in place through August 25 by MCS. It will be assessed regularly in collaboration with the MC Health Department, and it is our sincere hope that it can be lifted when local cases fall within acceptable levels.
Exposing MCS to the arts with Fairmont State University Academy for the Arts: Future activities in the works for theatre camps, scholarships, WV Folklife Center field trips, school performances, and a $10,000 George W. Bowers grant. See https://5il.co/x626 #MCSgetbackinthegame
To read about some of the supplies and preventative measures in place for 2021-22 in MCS through the Maintenance/Facilities Department, please see https://5il.co/x9u4 #MCSgetbackinthegame
In an on-going effort to keep families up-to-date on mitigation strategies in place, MCS provides information about various departments' protocols in place as we welcome our students in grades 1-12 back on Aug. 24. See Transportation: https://5il.co/x9q0 #MCSgetbackinthegame
In coming days, a QR code sticker like this will be at the entrance of MCS facilities with centralized air units. Codes for stand alone units will also appear in the future. Once scanned, the GPS website tells how the building has improvements to the air quality at the school.
Congratulations to Desiree Hardaway, secretary at Fairmont Senior High School, who is the 2022 MCS Service Personnel of the Year. Ms. Hardaway will be honored among other WV county Service Personnel of the Year during a virtual ceremony in September. #MCSgetbackinthegame
Renowned community servant, Executive Vice President of Davis & Elkins College and 1986 graduate of East Fairmont High School Rosemary Thomas reminds students and staff to “not sit on the sidelines” and “leave it all on the field” at https://5il.co/x62u #MCSgetbackinthegame
Homeschool, virtual, homebound, or child age 1-4 years old who lives in MC in 2021-22 school year? Complete the form to have a 5-day shelf-stable meal box delivered to your door step, free of charge. https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=S7AZ4AwzekaLrgn7FzdNap_zqJTflyJPoEptddhfLbhUNExaMkVWU0I5UDRSTVdCRzRCVTc1RjhUWS4u
"Patient Endurance!" From the hardwood of gyms in MCS to UNC player, grad, and member of the coaching staff, North Marion grad Jessica Sell talks encouragement, perseverance, support systems, and fresh start as we "get back in the game" https://5il.co/wy1f #MCSgetbackinthegame
"COVID-19 is here. How long it stays is up to us." In coming days, Marion County Health Department Administrator Lloyd White will be speaking with MCS student-athletes and staff about what we all can do to prevent the spread: https://5il.co/wy1p #MCSgetbackinthegame
“Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.” As we think back on the past 18 months of the pandemic, one of the most pronounced reflections is we cannot increase student achievement alone. See https://5il.co/wvxl.
MCS collaborates with WVU Extension Service for WV Cardiac Project, K, 2, and 5, as well as Nutrition Classes, grades 3- 5. The latest addition is Meadoe Richards, NMHS grad and Agriculture student at WVU, who will begin Aug. 16 to work in MCS. https://extension.wvu.edu/marion
"We have an opportunity!" Dr. Mark A. Manchin, 1970 graduate from Farmington High School, former WV Senator, superintendent of schools, Director of the School Building Authority, and current President of Glenville College encourages MCS: https://5il.co/wnq1 #MCSgetbackinthegame
State Champion in wrestling and football, WVU Mountaineer, and Veterinarian, Dr. Scott Moore, a graduate of North Marion High School, reminds MCS to "Get Back in the Game" to be whatever you want to be in the future: https://5il.co/wkzf #MCSgetbackinthegame
"Set yourself up for success and be the best person you can be." Wise words from a 2009 East Fairmont graduate and 2-time Wrestling State Champion. Bailey is a US Naval Academy graduate, pilot, and current Naval Academy Instructor: https://5il.co/wfur. #MCSgetbackinthegame
Learn more about the MCS virtual offering for grades 6-12 for the 2021-22 school year here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j0AqESXcu9U. For more information, see MCS Policy 2370 or contact Curriculum Coordinator Sherry Copley at srcopley@k12.wv.us.
Marion County students in grades Pre-Kindergarten through 12 Grade will return to in-person classes this Fall! MCS students in grades 6-12 who are looking for a distance option can enroll in West Virginia Virtual Schools (WVVS). This is different than the distance learning offered last year by our local teachers. WVVS is a rigorous online platform offered through the West Virginia Department of Education for students seeking first-time credit. See the video for more information:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G095fbRMzPI. If you want to register your child in Marion County's WV Virtual School program in grades 6-12, we will begin taking registrations on August 4. Click here to complete the WVVS Registration Form: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=S7AZ4AwzekaLrgn7FzdNamLgL38a7cNMoT5_VUjm-tFUME9GUkROWTQ4Rk9NNFI5TDIzWjE5N0szRS4u. Once you complete the registration form, you will be contacted to complete an orientation with a representative of Marion County Schools. The orientation must be attended by both the student and a parent or guardian. For questions, email Sherry Copley Harney srcopley@k12.wv.us
"Come back stronger than ever" as an important part of WV's story. United States Senator Joe Manchin, a 1965 graduate of Farmington High School who attended WVU on a football scholarship, reminds MCS to "Get Back in the Game" at https://5il.co/wdk4. #MCSgetbackinthegame