Team Leshko is sponsoring a benefit dinner to help one of East Fairmont Middle School's teachers who has been battling a grade ii oligodendroglioma with the cost of his ongoing treatment. The spaghetti dinner will be held at East Fairmont Middle on Sunday, October 16th from 11:30 to 3:30. Tickets are $10 for an adult and $7 for children age 10 and under. Organizers are trying to get a count on how many meals they will need and there will only be limited amounts available that day. If you are interested in attending, we encourage you to contact Lori Ennis at East Fairmont Middle to purchase your ticket between 8 and 1 tomorrow.
East Fairmont Middle School staff spent the morning reviewing active attack scenarios and discussing emergency responses to such incidents in a two hour presentation by Fairmont Police Office personnel. Staff also had the opportunity to talk one on one with a police officer for suggestions on ways to help secure their room in case of an emergency if they wished.
East Fairmont Middle PTO is hosting their first annual craft fair. Come out and support your local crafters and get a jump start on your Christmas shopping!
On Tuesday, EFHS STEM members, Zoe Boyles and Eleanor Capuder, visit with EFMS 5th and 6th Grade Members to talk about their experiences and to give ideas on our upcoming WVU School of Engineering Annual Pumpkin Drop.
With the recent event of hurricane Ian, Mrs Bland's classes spent this week engineering hurricane proof structures. Students tested their structures today.
East Fairmont Middle is practicing a precautionary code yellow at this time. Students are safe and there is no concern within the school.
East Fairmont Middle School administration has been following absenteeism rates and we have approximately a fifth of our students that are considered to be chronically absent. Chronically absent means that they are missing 15 or more days of school in a year regardless of the reason. Chronically absent students are not only missing out on school days and opportunities to learn, but they are at the greatest risk of falling behind. Chronic absenteeism has been linked to reduced student achievement, social disengagement, and feelings of alienation (Gottfried, 2014; Gottfried, 2015; Johnson, 2005). We need to work together to encourage our students to attend school regularly so they can achieve. It is also important to teach the value of attendance as we are preparing our students for adulthood. Let's work together and teach our children that attendance really does matter.
Next week is our annual book fair week. Please see the attached link for more information!
Parent/teacher conferences are next Tuesday, October 4th from 3:30 to 6:30. We are returning to the in person model of PTC which means that you may come any time during the above listed times and sign up to meet with each of your child's teachers. Because of the number of students that each teacher has, we limit these to five minute meetings to address concerns of the teacher and/or parent. Parents will be taken on a first come/first serve basis.
Parents, don’t forget that tomorrow is the last day to get a yearbook for $36! You can submit the form that was given to your student along with payment to the office or click this link to purchase online:
Please see the attached flyer for any 5th or 6th grade boy interested in playing basketball for the East Athletic Association this year.
East Fairmont Middle School will be holding their next LSIC meeting on Tuesday, September 27th at 5:30 pm in the school library.
Cross country sponsored dance this Friday. School appropriate attire required.
Mr. Sayer, one of our school counselors, works with 7th graders in a role playing exercise to practice conflict resolution.
Marion County Schools operate on a color code system for various situations that do or can occur in schools. Staff and students spend time talking about the various color codes and what procedures are to be followed depending on the code that is called. It is important that our students understand these procedures in case of a true emergency. In order to help our students understand procedures and the importance of following the directions of the trusted adults in the building, we run practice drills periodically to allow students to become even more familiar. East Fairmont Middle plans to run a code drill later this week with our students. If you would happen to arrive at school during one of these drills, please be patient with staff while we complete the drill.
Picture day is tomorrow! Don’t forget!
If you are a grandparent who is serving as a guardian for one or more of your grandchildren, please contact the office to obtain a form so that we can get you information on the Marion County Healthy Grandfamilies program!
Today wrapped up our spirit week activities with Neon Day. Both staff and students really enjoyed the activities this week.
Picture Day is quickly approaching. Fall pictures which will also be the ones used for the yearbook will be taken on Tuesday, September 13th.
East Fairmont Middle students participated in the fall fundraising kickoff assembly today.