BookPolicy Manual Section5000 Students TitleENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS Codepo5112 StatusActive AdoptedJanuary 4, 2009 Last RevisedDecember 16, 2019
The Board of Education shall establish entrance age requirements for students which are consistent with statute and sound educational practice and which ensure the equitable treatment of all eligible children.
Early Education
A child is eligible for entrance into early education programs if s/he attains the age of four (4) on or before June 30 of the year in which s/he applies for entrance and has not yet attained the age at which s/he will be admitted to kindergarten.
Eligible child shall mean any child, regardless of ability, who is four (4) on or before June 30th of the year s/he is to enroll. Three (3) year old children can be enrolled in the WV Pre-K System if they have an Individualized Education Program (hereinafter IEP). Three (3) year olds without IEPs may be present in the collaborative classroom if they qualify under the community program's enrollment guidelines. Children may not be excluded based on developmental delays. Children who are five (5) on or before June 30th shall be enrolled in kindergarten, instead of WV Pre-K, unless the teacher, in cooperation with the parent, uses assessment data to determine that kindergarten placement for that child is not in the child's best interest. A child may remain in the WV Pre-K classroom for longer than one (1) year if the decision is in the best interest of the child and based on curricular assessment data with mutual agreement between the teacher and parent/guardian.
A child is eligible for entrance into kindergarten if s/he attains the age of five (5) on or before June 30th of the year in which s/he applies for entrance.
Chronological age shall be the sole determining factor for admission of resident children into kindergarten.
The Board may admit to kindergarten such children as may be ineligible by reason of age but demonstrate the ability and need to undertake a program of education.
The Board will designate the necessary standards and testing programs required for such early admission.
The Board will admit to kindergarten any child who has not attained the entrance age requirement of this County, but who was properly enrolled in an approved public or private school kindergarten before transferring to this County.
There will be a four (4) week trial period at the beginning of the school year when early entrance students will be carefully observed by the teacher.
First Grade
A child is eligible for entrance into first grade if s/he attains the age of six (6) on or before June 30th of the year in which s/he applies for entrance and has completed the kindergarten program of this County or an equivalent program elsewhere and has been recommended by the teacher for advancement to the first grade. This requirement may only be waived if a request is made and approved by the Superintendent.
The Superintendent shall require that each child who registers for entrance to school provide:
his/her birth certificate or similar documentation authorized by law as proof of age and birthdate;
a certified copy of any custody order or decree together with any modification in such an order or decree;
immunization records.
If such documents are not provided, the child may be admitted under the Superintendent's guidelines. Appropriate law enforcement authorities may be notified.
The Superintendent shall also ensure that each child entering the County's school system for the first time has been properly screened for hearing, vision, speech and language disabilities and have age appropriate immunizations as defined by the American Academy of Pediatrics and recommended by the West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources. If documentation of the screenings for hearing, vision and speech and language disabilities is not provided by the parents/guardians of the student, such screening shall be conducted by the County, or the parents'/guardians' health care provider, if health care coverage is available or accessible, and current within the year of entrance.
Any parent may provide the County with a written statement indicating that s/he does not wish to have his/her child screened.
The Board shall provide parents with a list of those who provide screening services together with information about any screening services available through the community.
Revised 11/9/18
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