August 1, 2007
All students transferring from a school located outside of West Virginia or enrolling for the first time from outside the State shall furnish a certification from a licensed physician stating that a tuberculin skin test approved by the Commissioner for the Bureau for Public Health has been made within four (4) months prior to the beginning of the school year.
If the student cannot produce certification from a physician as required by this policy then the student shall have an approved tuberculin skin test done with the result read and evaluated prior to admittance to school.
Test results must be recorded on the certification required by this policy. Positive reactors to the skin test must be immediately evaluated by a physician and, if medically indicated, X rayed, and receive periodic X rays thereafter, when medically indicated. Students found to have tuberculosis shall be temporarily removed from school while their case is reviewed and evaluated by their physician and the local health officer. Students shall return to school when the local health officer indicates that it is safe and appropriate for them to return.
The local health officer shall be responsible for arranging proper follow-up of students who are unable to obtain physician evaluation for a positive tuberculin skin test.
The Commissioner shall have the authority to require selective testing of school children for tuberculosis when there is reason to believe that such children may have been exposed to the tuberculosis organism. School nurses shall identify and refer any students to the local health officer in instances where they have reason to suspect that the individual has been exposed to tuberculosis or has symptoms indicative of the disease.
WV Code 16-3D-3