Policy Manual
Section5000 Students TitleSTUDENT ATTENDANCE AT SCHOOL EVENTS Codepo5855 StatusActive AdoptedAugust 1, 2007
The Board of Education encourages students to attend as many school events held after school as possible, without interfering with their school work and home activities. Enthusiastic spectators help to build school spirit and encourage those students who are participating in the event.
However, in order to ensure that students attending as nonparticipants are properly safe-guarded, the Board recommends that all elementary and pre-high school students be accompanied by a parent or adult chaperone when they arrive at the event and throughout its duration. Additionally, it is the policy of the Board to arrange for adult chaperones for after-school events. These Board approved chaperones are present to provide supplemental supervisory assistance and are not provided as sitters who assume responsibility for unaccompanied students. The Board and its agents will not be responsible for students if they attend without an adult chaperone.
The Board will continue to provide adequate supervision for all students who are participants in County-sponsored events.