Section8000 Operations TitleSCHOOL SAFETY AND CRISIS INTERVENTION Codepo8410 StatusActive AdoptedAugust 1, 2007 Last RevisedNovember 2, 2015
The Board of Education is committed to maintaining a safe school environment. The Board believes that school crime and violence are multifaceted problems that need to be addressed in a manner that utilizes the best resources and coordinated efforts of County personnel, law enforcement agencies, and families. The Board further believes that administrators and local law enforcement officials must work together to provide for the safety and welfare of students while they are at school or a school-sponsored activity or while enroute to or from school, or a school-sponsored activity. The Board also believes that the first step in addressing school crime and violence is to assess the extent and nature of the problem(s) or threat, and then plan and implement strategies that promote school safety and minimize the likelihood of school crime and violence.
The Superintendent shall promulgate administrative guidelines for responding to a crisis situation, developing a prevention plan, and providing effective intervention for students who may show warning signs that relate to violence or other troubling behaviors.
Persistently Dangerous Schools
The Board recognizes that State and Federal law requires that the County report annually incidents that meet the statutory definition of violent criminal offenses that occur in a school, on school grounds, on a school conveyance, or at a school-sponsored activity. It is further understood that the State Department of Education will then use this data to determine whether or not a school is considered "persistently dangerous" as defined by State policy.
The Superintendent shall make a report to the Board about this plan of corrective action and shall recommend approval and adoption of it..
In the unexpected event that the number of reportable incidents in three (3) consecutive school years exceeds the statutory threshold and the school is identified as persistently dangerous, students attending the school shall have the choice option as provided in Policy 5113.02 and AG 5113.02..
Victims of Violent Crime
The Board further recognizes that, despite the diligent efforts of school administrators and staff to provide a safe school environment, an individual student may be a victim of a violent crime in a school, on school grounds, on a school conveyance, or at a school- sponsored activity. In accordance with Federal and State law the parents of the eligible student shall have the choice of options provided by Policy 5113.02 and AG 5113.02.
Mandatory Reporting of Sexual Offenses on School Premises Involving Students
Any school teacher or other school personnel who receives a disclosure from a student, credible witness or personally observes any sexual contact, sexual intercourse or sexual intrusion of a child on school premises, as those terms are defined in West Virginia Code 61-8b-1, et seq., shall immediately report the circumstances or cause a report to be made to the State Police or other law- enforcement agency having jurisdiction to investigate the report. In the event that the individual receiving the disclosure or observing the sexual contact, intercourse, or intrusion has a good faith belief that the reporting of the event to the police would expose either the reporter, the subject child, the reporter’s children or other children in the subject child’s household to an increased threat of serious bodily injury, the individual may delay making the report while he or she undertakes measures to remove themselves or the affected children from the perceived threat of additional harm. However, the individual must make the report as soon as practicable after the threat of harm has been reduced.
The reporting requirements include reported, disclosed, or observed conduct involving students enrolled in a public or private institution of education or involving a student and school teacher or personnel. When the alleged conduct is between two students or between a student and school teacher or personnel, the parents of the involved students shall also be immediately notified of the allegations.
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