This is a Bison Herd Alert: Parents who are attending the Builders Club Inductions tomorrow: Our space is limited in the gym, please limit your guests to 2 per student. Also, parents will be permitted in the building at 8:55. Mrs. Sturm and Mrs. Rundle will greet you at the front entrance at that time. Thank you!
This is a Bison Herd Alert: We apologize for the late notice, however tutoring for the 7th and 8th grade is canceled for this evening, Wednesday, February 15th.
This is a Bison Herd Alert: Tutoring for elementary students on Wednesday and Thursday (2/15 & 2/16) will be canceled this week. We will see you again next week (Feb. 22. & 23).
This is a Bison Herd Alert: PBIS will sponsor a freeze pop sale on Wednesday, February 15th for $1.00 during lunch.
This is a Bison Herd Alert: Middle School Parents, don't forget the permission slips for the theater trip to NMHS next week. They are due Thursday and the cost is $2.00. Contact your child's teacher if you have any questions.
This is a Bison Herd Alert: PTO meeting tonight at 6 pm in the cafeteria! We hope to see you there!
This is a Bison Herd Alert for 6th grade parents: Our 6th grade will travel to the Marion County STEAM Lab on Monday February 13th and Tuesday February 14th. Students will depart the school after breakfast and return for regular dismissal.
This is a Bison Herd Alert: Valentine Candy Grams are due tomorrow!! <3
This is a Bison Herd Alert: Get ready to dance the night away at the Snowball Dance Friday February 10th in the gym. Elementary dance is from 5-6:30 and Middle School is from 7-9. Concessions will be available with pizza, drinks, candy and chips. We will also have GLOW STICKS available to get your glow on! Admission is $5.00 . This dance is for Barrackville students only.
This is a Bison Herd Alert: Parent Teacher Conferences are this evening from 3:30-6:30. Parents will not be permitted on campus until dismissal has concluded . The front loop will be open to parking beginning at 3:30. We appreciate your cooperation. Thank you!
This is a Bison Herd Alert: Parent Teacher Conference is Tuesday February 7th from 3:30-6:30. Please contact your child's teacher for more information.
This is a Bison Herd Alert for students attending the Middle School Student Summit. Due to scheduling conflicts, the student summit has been changed to Feb. 22nd from 4-5pm at EFMS.
This is a Bison Herd Alert: After school homework help for 5th and 6th grade students is CANCELLED for today. 5th and 6th grade students may stay on Wednesday this week instead.
Thank you!
This is a Bison Herd Alert: Starting tomorrow, Mrs. Mullens will be having a chip sale every Thursday to support our National Park Trip! $1 per bag. Also, she will have bottles of water for sale for $1 from my room in case a kid forgot a their bottle at home.
The 8th grade class will be sponsoring a hat day on Thursday, January 26th for $1. Thanks for supporting the 8th grade class fundraising efforts!
This is a Bison Herd Alert: Due to technical errors in the WVEIS system, report cards will be delayed. They will go home with students on Monday.
This is a Bison Herd Alert: Parents, during morning drop off, please remember it is right turn only out of the Methodist Church lot. This helps keep the loop moving and alleviates the backup on Pike Street. Thank you for your cooperation.
This is a Bison Herd Alert: Permission slips for the PBIS Reward Day Bowling trip are being sent home this week. There is NO cost for this trip. All eligible students will be traveling to Mid City Bowling Alley on January 18th throughout the day. Please return your child's permission slip to the school by Jan. 11th. #BisonPride #herdheros #honest #enthusiastic #Responsible #determined
This is a Bison Herd Alert: A few dates to remember for the coming weeks:
🔵 Jan. 13th - End of the 2nd Nine weeks grading period
🔵 Jan. 16th - No School Martin Luther King Jr Day
🔵 Jan. 20th- Report Cards Go Home
🔵 Jan. 25th - PM Day 2 hour delay
🔵 Feb. 7th - Parent-Teacher Conferences 3:30-6:30
🔵 Feb. 20th. - Professional Learning Day- No School For Students
This is a Bison Herd Alert:
Barrackville School will be dismissing early. Walkers will be dismissed at 1:40. Parent Pick Up at 1:45. Bus students will be dismissed as busses arrive from North Marion. Thank you.