WV Senators Manchin and Capito get a first hand view and explanation of the North Marion Robotics Team project today at the WVSSAC State Competition, hosted by Fairmont State University. The NM team just returned from a National competition in Texas.
Stacey Oliver discusses Healthy Grandfamilies and recognizes many of the people who contributed to the success of the program in Marion County.
Congratulations to EFMS’s Charlotte Romberger, Marion County’s Teacher of the year!
Congratulations to Mike Hays, Cook at FSHS for being Marion County’s Service Personnel of the year!
Eddy Snider from Adams Office Supply presents Mr. Hays with a gift.
Congratulations to WFMS’s Stephanie Tomana for receiving the 2022 J. Kevin Scanlon Award by The Spectroscopy Society of Pittsburgh!
Marion County Arts Alive winners!
Marion County Golden Horseshoe winners.
Monongah Elementary Librarian Connie Boggs, NBCT, is receipt of a $5,000 library grant from the Laura Bush Foundation for America's Libraries. There were 300 schools across the country to receive a grant for "encouraging all students to develop a love of reading and learning."
Marion County Schools is excited to announce it is now 1 of only 9 counties in WV to have recently earned the distinction of Purple Star County. Every MC school has earned the Purple Star distinction for making a special commitment to supporting military children and families.
Why does water make a sphere in space? What does a fidget spinner do in space? How do you sleep? Watson hosted not 1 but 2 NASA astronauts today as part of “Out of This World” Day. Students asked questions and shared facts about space today as they studied space this past month. Senator Manchin, Senator Caputo and Congresswoman Miller were guests at Watson as well. NASA Astronaut Andrew Morgan, NASA Administrator Bill Nelson, and NASA Deputy Administrator Pam Melroy told students to do your best in school, dream big, work hard, be kind, and believe in yourself.
Fairmont Senior 9th graders of Ms. Walters create a character attending the masquerade in Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. They wrote backstory, connection to family, favorite part of the party, and an iambic pentameter reaction to seeing star-crossed lovers using literary device.
Keep spreading your beautiful music and love of WV, Jayenne Elementary! Students rehearse Country Roads, one of their songs for an outdoor performance for families today.
Doing Good for Soon-to-Be Bees Today: East Side Heroes, sponsored by students and staff of East Fairmont High School, opened up the campus today to build relationships and to support students with disabilities on East Side with activities and fun.
The Place to Be! The sectional baseball game between North Marion and Fairmont Senior was hosted tonight by the Huskies. It was a packed campus tonight as the Regional Track Meet with 9 teams, including all 3 MCS high schools, was also there.
The hard work of MCS track athletes was showcased this afternoon and evening as North Marion Huskies hosted 9 teams, including Fairmont Senior and East Fairmont, at the Regional track meet.
The Superintendent has received a debrief on this morning from law enforcement. DOC canine dogs from throughout the state were used. This was an effort coordinated by MC Sheriff Dept. The City of Fairmont PD was asked to participate and chose not to do so. There were no arrests. No Drugs were found. The law enforcement used conducted safe schools checks in all high schools and our Tech Center today. These are routine and unannounced. Families of each school were notified via school messages after the school returned to normal routine and schedule.
MCS thanks our school nurses! National School Nurse Day was established in 1972 to foster a better understanding of the school nurses’ role as leaders bridging healthcare and education. Join us in our appreciation of all school nurses on Wednesday, May 11.
While a majority of MCS students rest their brains today on Election Day, Advanced Placement students throughout the nation fuel up to take a test that is a culmination of a whole year’s worth or high school career’s worth of knowledge in English Language Composition or Physics.
Marion County Schools are closed Tuesday, May 10, 2022 for Election Day.
Sunday STEAM Opportunity for Families in Marion County on May 15, 2022: