East Fairmont High School
Mission Statement:
East Fairmont High School Athletic Department believes athletics is an integral part of education and through the participation in sports our students develop qualities of character, leadership, discipline, and healthy lifestyles. We believe that these qualities will promote academic success and valuable life lessons.
James Beckman
Athletic Director - East Fairmont High School
East Fairmont Coaching Staff
Athletic Director – James Beckman
Baseball – Joe Price
Boys Basketball – Tyrone Asterino
Girls Basketball – James Beckman
Cheer – Karen Beckman
Boys Cross Country – Ken Hibbs
Girls Cross Country – Breanne Dobrzynski
Football – Shane Eakle
Golf – Bill Malone
Boys Soccer – Eric Wright
Girls Soccer – Eric Wright
Softball – Steve Swiger
Boys Swimming – Emily Gallagher
Girls Swimming – Katie Sharpe
Boys Tennis – Scott Reed
Girls Tennis – Katie Sharpe
Boys Track – Kenny Hibbs
Girls Track – Shane Eakle
Volleyball – Krista Dawson
Wrestling – Logan Bowman

Fairmont Senior High School
Mission Statement:
The students' academic growth is our primary focus, but we recognize the value of a comprehensive athletic program to enhance our students' high school experience. We will support our teams and our athletes in a positive and caring way. We will follow all WVSSAC, Big 10 Conference and Fairmont Senior High School regulations, goals, and objectives.
To Participate in Athletics, the Athlete MUST:
Attain a Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least a 2.0 or better from the previous semester
Meet all WVSSAC academic, age and transfer regulations
Submit parental/legal guardian permission forms
Submit proof of a physical examination within the appropriate school year
Concerns that Parents often have of their son or daughter:
Parents should discuss with the athlete's coach, ways to help your son or daughter improve
Parents should discuss concerns about your son or daughter's behavior and/or academic performance
Concerns that are NOT appropriate to discuss with the athlete's coach:
Playing time
Play calling and game strategy
Other athletes (teammates)
Joe Naternicola
Athletic Director - Fairmont Senior High School
North Marion High School
Mission Statement:
North Marion High School Athletic Department strives to prepare our student athletes to become well rounded citizens in the six pillars of Character. Our Student athletes will compete at a high athletic level as well as prosper as well rounded individuals who will achieve success on and off the field.
About Athletic Director Mike Parrish:
Graduated from North Marion High School 1985
Graduated from Fairmont State University 1991
Degree in Education General Science 5-12 and Physical Education K-12
Registered Basketball official for 14 Years
Mike Parrish
Athletic Director - North Marion High School
North Marion Coaching Staff
Fall Sports
Golf - Chance Hearn
Football - Daran Hays
Volleyball - Lisa Spears
Boys Cross Country - Ben Richardson
Girls Cross Country - Keri Richardson
Girls Soccer - Nelson Elliott
Boys Soccer - Tyler Scott
Cheer - April Gilpin
Winter Sports
Boys Basketball - Chris Freeman
Girls Basketball - Mike Parrish
Wrestling - Pending
Boys Swimming - Jamie Greene
Girls Swimming - Tricia Maxwell
Spring Sports
Softball - Ray Shadrick
Baseball - Victor Seccuro
Boys Tennis - Josh Mason
Girls Tennis - Maryanne Mullenax
Boys Track - Ben Richardson
Girls Track - Jeff Crane