Sponsor the STEAM CTE Festival
Marion County Schools is planning to host a STEAM/CTE Festival (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, Mathematics/ Career and Technical Education). This will be a large day of events and activities for students of Marion County Schools to explore the areas of STEAM and CTE Education. The event will include activities for all students grades Pre-K through 12 and will be hosted on March 22nd, 2025! We want to use this event as a way to foster STEAM education in our county. Students will have the opportunity to visit our exhibitor hall to learn about how STEAM and CTE are used in the workforce as well as discover each of the career clusters in our state. Highlights include launching rockets, flying drones, 3D printing, Zoo Keeping, VR career Exploration, planetariums and more.
Donations and sponsorships for this event will be used to purchase supplies, equipment, and resources for students to use at the event and to take home to continue exploring STEAM. In addition, donations may be used to pay vendor expenses as well as organizational expenses such as signage, programs, advertising, staffing, and student incentives for the store. Sponsor will be thanked with a logo in programs and on staff T-shirts.
Make a Donation
Checks can be made out to Marion County Board of Education with STEAM CTE Festival in the Memo.
Register as a Vendor/Exhibitor
If you'd like to attend the event as an exhibitor, please register online: https://forms.gle/ee72n8ayLXgiPQJV7
Margie Suder
Email: MSuder@k12.wv.us
Jamie Knight
Email: Jamie.knight@k12.wv.us
Kaitlyn Knight
Email: Kaitlyn.Knight@k12.wv.us