
Marion County Schools Families:

We are blessed to have the expertise of our Director of Attendance Trisha Maxwell, who has developed a number of tools for schools and families as we "Attend for the Win! Miss Less than 10!" in Marion County Schools.

Please check with your child for a copy of the 2024-2025 Student Calendar magnet, which has been updated to include the QR Code for Absence Excuse Form Links as well as a color-coded chart to help students and families keep track of the dates of absences, the reason, and at what point a student is falling into "At-Risk" or "Chronic" absenteeism as defined by the West Virginia Department of Education. These magnets were distributed the first day of 2024-25 in each of our schools.

You can see the Absence Excuse Form Links at Absence Excuse Forms | Marion County Schools (

A pamphlet, "A Guide to Present Chronic Absenteeism & Truancy" has also been prepared and distributed. The pamphlet contains definitions, tools, and "Did You Know?" sections for elementary, middle and high school students and families.

Finally, a tiered intervention chart has been developed by Ms. Maxwell to list the ways that teachers, administrators, and families can work together in "cultivating a school-wide culture of attendance" in Marion County Schools. This intervention chart has been adopted and shared throughout the state as a model for other districts and groups.

We look forward to a year of partnerships with families as we "Attend for the Win! Miss Less than 10!"

If we may be of assistance, please do not hesitate to reach out to your child's school or Director Maxwell.


Thank you,

Dr. Donna Heston, Superintendent