Posted 3/18/2020
Superintendent Recommendations for Procedures and Operations
We have some priorities to complete tasks on a daily basis to keep instruction flowing and meals delivered. Communication with students and families is key to keep this happening in as normal a fashion as possible. Some tasks can be completed in different ways and from different locations. Keeping all of this in mind and to keep in mind everyone’s safety, we need to work together with flexibility and to honor our obligations to students.
We should be able to meet our obligations with flex schedules aligned and unique to each job description. This will be achievable utilizing technology from different locations to ensure student access, communications for all that is necessary and administrative oversight. Staff willing to initiate and complete task lists will not be held to a full workday on location. Any tasks that may be completed remotely is allowed and encouraged. We have asked for volunteers to complete the priorities from whatever location and in whatever flex schedule they can. When tasks are completed, schedules can be shortened. Those cooperating to volunteer to come in on site because certain tasks can’t be completed off site are appreciated and may leave when tasks are completed.
Cooks Task List
- Volunteers start at normal time. Half Time Cook Volunteers need to start at 6:00 a.m., but only work 2.5 hours.
- Prepare and package meals as directed by Mrs. Atha.
- Maintain daily production records.
- Record temperature readings for equipment.
- Sanitize all food service areas regularly.
- Submit orders for supplies and food.
- Maintain daily monitoring of email, website announcements, SchoolMessenger messages, school chosen communication tools, etc.
- Maintain instructional communication with students.
- Design instruction per your content area to keep instruction flowing daily.
- Provide students with resources, websites, etc. that allow for learning opportunities to maintain continuity of instruction aligned with covering all of the content standards.
- Design and share lesson plans with your principal to keep them informed.
- Prepare and submit grades for report cards reflecting progress for the grading period ending March 18, 2020.
- Keeping good documentation of your task list would be helpful.
- Maintain daily monitoring of email, website announcements, SchoolMessenger messages, school chosen communication tools, etc.
- Volunteers for assistance in serving meals at schools and from buses.
- Staff willing to initiate and complete task lists will not be held to a full workday on location.
- Any tasks that may be completed remotely is allowed and encouraged.
- If school staff is available and parents are willing to participate via phone, schools may hold IEP and 504 meetings if timelines are a concern.
Special Educators
- Maintain instructional communication with students.
- Design lessons that reflect individualized instruction aligned with the student’s IEP.
- Provide students and families with resources, websites, etc. that allow for learning opportunities to maintain continuity of instruction aligned with covering IEP goals.
- Design and submit lesson plan evidence to your principal.
- Prepare and submit IEP progress reports to be delivered with the report cards reflecting progress for the grading period ending March 18, 2020.
- Continue to draft IEPs for upcoming annual reviews using the WV IEP Online platform.
- Keeping good documentation of your task list would be helpful.
- Maintain daily monitoring of email, website announcements, SchoolMessenger messages, school chosen communication tools, etc.
- Volunteers for assistance in serving meals at schools and from buses.
- If school staff is available and parents are willing to participate via phone, schools may hold IEP meetings if timelines are a concern.
SE Related Service Providers (OT, PT, SPL, Audiologist)
- Maintain supportive communication with students and parents.
- Design lessons/guidance documents that reflect related services aligned with the student’s IEP.
- Prepare and submit IEP progress reports to be delivered with the report cards reflecting progress for the grading period ending March 18, 2020.
- Continue to draft IEPs for upcoming annual reviews using the WV IEP Online platform.
- Maintain daily monitoring of email, website announcements, SchoolMessenger messages, school chosen communication tools, etc.
- If school staff is available and parents are willing to participate via phone, schools may hold IEP meetings if timelines are a concern.
Bus Drivers
- Our number one priority is to get meals to students.
- The Transportation Department will be open from 8:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
- Drivers are asked to volunteer to pick up and deliver meals.
- Drivers are asked to report at their bus pick-up location at 8:30 am.
- Drivers are being asked to report at 9:30 am at your designated meal pick-up site.
- Deliver meals on your identified route.
- Return your bus back to the lot for parking.
- Total estimated work time for meal delivery is 2.5 hours.
- Maintain daily monitoring of email, website announcements, SchoolMessenger messages, school chosen communication tools, etc.
Bus Aides
- Bus Aides and Classroom Aides are asked to volunteer to help deliver meals from buses. They would report to the bus at their designated location at 9:00 am.
- Maintain daily monitoring of email, website announcements, SchoolMessenger messages, school chosen communication tools, etc.
- Continue all daily cleaning routines and paying closer attention to areas that may have been populated that particular day.
- Take advantage of time to complete tasks that aren’t completed daily, but need attention.
- Maintain daily monitoring of email, website announcements, SchoolMessenger messages, school chosen communication tools, etc.
- Report to your building on a daily basis. (?)
- Maintain the populations that come into the school.
- Ensure staff has access to the building for what is necessary to complete their tasks.
- Approve and comment on lesson plans keeping in mind that they will be a little unique. (We are interested in teachers sharing their strategies and designs for instructional delivery.)
- Collect and maintain documentation of your staff completing all of their tasks. (i.e., lesson plans, communication with students, delivery of instruction, grades, etc.)
- Volunteers for assistance in serving meals at schools and from buses.
- If school staff is available and parents are willing to participate via phone, schools may hold IEP and 504 meetings if timelines are a concern.
- Continue typical routines as scheduled, such as submitting payroll on the regular schedule, WVEIS, etc.
- Maintain daily monitoring of email, website announcements, SchoolMessenger messages, school chosen communication tools, etc.
Central Office Professional Staff
- Volunteers report to complete necessary tasks. Time will be flexible.
- Maintain daily monitoring of email, website announcements, SchoolMessenger messages, school chosen communication tools, etc.
- Maintain banking tasks.
- Prepare and keep payroll up-to-date as best as possible.
- Maintain Child Nutrition records and submit reports on the regular schedule.
- Make sure that messages are forwarded to the proper person.
- Maintain daily monitoring of email, website announcements, SchoolMessenger messages, school chosen communication tools, etc.
Aides (ECCAT, SE, Autism Mentor, Braille Specialists, Sign Language Interpreters)
- Communicate daily with the teacher(s) you work with to complete your tasks.
- Follow-up with teachers regarding projects and tasks that can be completed during this time. Some of these may be for future use. (i.e.,
- Volunteers for assistance in serving meals at schools and from buses.
- Maintain daily monitoring of email, website announcements, SchoolMessenger messages, school chosen communication tools, etc.
- Volunteers for assistance in serving meals at schools and from buses.
Nurses and LPN/Aides
- Prepare immunization letters for mailing.
- Check student immunizations on WVSIIS
- Volunteers for assistance in serving meals at schools and from buses.
- Ensure documentation is up to date
- Clean and organize work areas.
- Dispose expired meds and forms.
- Obtain address labels from counselors for current 1st, 6th, 11th graders, address envelopes for immunization mailings
- Work directly with School Nurse, RN for direction
RNs and LPNs:
- Maintain daily monitoring of email, website announcements, SchoolMessenger messages, school chosen communication tools, etc.
- The priority is to volunteer to continue delivering commodities and requests for maintenance supplies to schools.
- Maintain emergency availability.
- The Maintenance Department will be open on a schedule of 8:00 am – 12:00 pm for volunteer work.
- Maintain daily monitoring of email, website announcements, SchoolMessenger messages, school chosen communication tools, etc.
- All school counselors have been given direction from the WVDE regarding resources on how to talk to your children about the COVID-19 virus.
- Virtual School: At this time, we will be postponing proctored assessments through Virtual School until further notice. Students who are utilizing Virtual School should continue with the assignments.
- The Virtual School Instructor may make minor changes to the protocol already established.
- Credit Recovery: The High Schools and Barnes Learning Center have been advised to postpone assessments through Credit Recovery. If a student finishes a unit, the supervising teacher may open the next unit to be completed.
- Maintain daily monitoring of email, website announcements, SchoolMessenger messages, school chosen communication tools, etc.