Posted 3/24/2020
Information Report from the National Association of State Directors of Pupil Transportation Services
The health crisis created by the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) and the disease it causes (COVID-19) have had effects throughout America and the world that are unprecedented in our lifetimes. The impacts have extended to all facets of society, including public education and student transportation. The National Association of State Directors of Pupil Transportation Services (NASDPTS) has developed this Information Report to help answer questions that student transportation professionals have either asked or that we are anticipating. The report is in a frequently asked questions (FAQs) format. It is not intended to be all inclusive; we welcome additional questions and comments. We will update the report as we gain more useful information. It is a living document.
School bus transportation professionals have done an excellent, unparalleled job in providing safe transportation to America’s school students. Few of us are authorities on public health matters, however. The information herein is drawn from a variety of sources, including state directors, recent news reports of state and local school district practices, guidance and information published by other associations, and federal or state agencies. It should not be construed as recommendations or best practices, but it may prove useful as states, LEAs (local education agencies), charter schools, and contractors work to make their best, informed decisions about the many unforeseen matters the crisis has raised for student transporters.
We are attempting to provide resources to assist student transporters with their specific, unique tasks during this challenging time, but without duplicating the many excellent sources of public health information that are available. The report does not repeat how persons should wash their hands, for instance, but the Resources and Links list on the last page contains some overall sources of information on the pandemic. Our best defense is to stay informed, so we recommend that our members and others continue to monitor this wealth of public information.