Posted June 2020
Click on the like to join, no registration required.
Tuesday, June 30, 2020
10am - Symbaloo - One stop shop for MANY web addresses for student access
12pm – Adobe Spark – Free and easy video creation
Wednesday, July 1, 2020
2pm – Creating interactive stories, choice boards, etc., using Powerpoint
Thursday, July 2, 2020
10am – Microsoft forms for productivity
12pm – Community share and Open Q&A
Don’t forget, if it applies to you, Apple is offering free professional learning opportunities. You can find the schedule and register here.
- Open to all, with any email address.
- Complete details at
- Special thanks to Sameer Shaik for keeping up with all these changes.
Monday, June 22, 2020
- No Class
Tuesday, June 23, 2020
- 9:00 a.m. - Everything you wanted to know about Teams but were afraid to ask (Entry level Teams class)
- 11:00 a.m. - All about Teams meetings
- 1:00 p.m. - Adding Apps to Teams (NEW)
Wednesday, June 24, 2020
- No Class
Thursday, June 25, 2020
- No Class
Friday, June 26, 2020
- 9:00 a.m. - New features in Teams, and what is coming soon
- 11:00 a.m. - Closed captions, live captions and translation tools
- 1:00 p.m. - Microsoft Whiteboard
In-person graduation ceremonies for West Virginia schools are permitted starting June 22, 2020, in outdoor venues only.
All of the Graduation Ceremonies in Marion County will be live-streamed on each high school’s Facebook page.
Given that at this time there is no way to mitigate all the risks involved in attending public events, people must make their own decisions on whether or not to attend large capacity activities given their own or their family’s health vulnerabilities.
Outdoor events must be structured to allow for appropriate social distancing and other safety measures to be in place.
- Six feet of social distancing is required.
- Face masks or coverings are strongly encouraged.
Safety Precautions that everyone is expected to follow:
- Communicate expectations and guidelines to the community in advance to ensure understanding and compliance.
- Members of the same household may sit close to one another; however, household groups must maintain six-feet of social distancing from one another.
- Seating should be limited or adjusted to ensure appropriate spacing between rows or seats.
- Six feet of social distance must be designated between graduates.
- Handshaking and hugging are not permitted.
- Directional signage must be prominently posted to guide families to seating.
- A system should be established to maintain separation of families wanting to take pictures of graduates. Avoid crowding in common spaces by designating specific entry and exit points to assist with crowd control.
- As needed, enlist assistance from local public health officials to create crowd-flow plans and local law enforcement to direct vehicle and pedestrian traffic.
- Hand sanitizer stations should be provided throughout the area.
- Markings must be placed on the ground for six feet of social distance between graduates in line to receive diplomas/certificates.
- Live stream events online or on television to offer alternatives for those who wish to view the ceremonies without traveling to the venue or for those that are particularly vulnerable such as elderly family members.
- Smaller outdoor events are still preferable to reduce the spread of the virus.
- Consider issuing tickets to better control crowd size.
- Incorporate fun and creative ways to celebrate and support safety such as encouraging graduates to design or decorate their masks without restricting airflow.
- A system for distributing diplomas, certificates or other materials must include best practices of six feet of social distancing, proper hand washing/sanitizing hygiene protocols and best practices to preserve public health.
Please self-monitor with the following questions prior to attending any graduation ceremony.
If you have had any of these symptoms in the 24 hours prior to the event or are feeling ill at the time of the event, you must stay home.
- Felt Feverish
- Fever >100.4
- Chills
- Cough
- Short of Breath
- Trouble Breathing
- Body Aches
- Headache
- New loss of taste or smell
- Sore throat
Additionally, within the past 14 days
- Close contact with lab and COVID-19
- Domestic Travel
Please help us keep everyone safe by self-monitoring your own symptoms and following the safety precautions.
It pulls at your heart not to let more people attend, but having the event at all is of concern for the spread of the coronavirus. We hope our community understands the dilemma of taking the chance to hold a large capacity event. Decisions are not easy in these times. The larger the crowd, the higher the risk factors. The smaller the crowd, the lower the risk factors. Making a choice for the safety of our students and community should be viewed as the right choice. We value everyone’s understanding.
Further details, and the link to join each class can be found here:
Monday, June 15
- 9:00 a.m. - Introduction to Using Teams
- 11:00 a.m. - Marketing your Conference to K12 People and Guests
- 1:00 p.m. - Should you do Live or Recorded Video
Tuesday, June 16
- 9:00 a.m. - When to use a Regular Teams Meeting versus a Live Event
- 11:00 a.m. - Document Management
- 1:00 p.m. - Using a Form and Flow for Conference Registration
Wednesday, June 17 (UPDATED 6-17-2020)
- 9:00 a.m. - Using Microsoft Translation Tools for Deaf and ESL Audiences This class was recorded. View here:
- 11:00 a.m. - Audience Attendance Reports and Meeting Options to Avoid "Bombing"
- 1:00 p.m. - After the Conference - How to Keep the Conversation Going
Thursday, June 18 (UPDATED 6-17-2020)
- 9:00 a.m. - No Class
- 11:00 a.m. - No Class
- 1:00 p.m. - Controlling the Audience with Mute, Using the Lobby and Meeting Options
Friday, June 19
- No Class
Parent Re-Entry Survey
After receiving guidance for Fall Re-Entry from the West Virginia Department of Education June 10, 2020, we are asking parents and guardians to answer the following questions to collect community attitudes and insights as we develop the Marion County Schools' Re-Entry Plan.
The scenarios presented assume that there will not be an outbreak at the time school opens. If an outbreak occurs and a stay-at-home order is issued, schools will likely return to full remote delivery of instruction. Please respond to the survey questions based on your current comfort level and assume that there is no outbreak. This survey may be recirculated at a later date to assess changes in attitudes and comfort levels.
Please complete a survey for each child in your household.
Trainings will be pared down moving forward.
Tuesday, June 16
12PM – JogNog – Premade quizzes for some basic formative assessment
2PM – Knowt – take quizzes from notes
Wednesday, June 17
12PM – Popplet – visually representation tool – iPad app
2PM – Quizzizz – Looking for a Kahoot alternative, Quizzizz could be it
Thursday, June 18
12PM – Community Share – Bring a site to share. *this session will continue as long as others bring sites to share
2PM – Open Q&A – This is not a training, just a time for anyone to ask questions
Friday, June 19
WV Day Observed (WVDE closed)
You can now create screen recordings from within Stream. No need to use other software, such as PowerPoint.
Clarification on “Re-starting” Athletics in Marion County Schools
Over the past several weeks, the WVSSAC staff has been developing a plan for the “re-start” of athletics for the Summer of 2020. They worked closely with the Governor’s office, the WVDE and the WVDHHR. They also obtained guidance from the National Federation of High Schools.
Superintendents received an email from Mr. Dolan of the WVSSAC on May 29, 2020 with the “re-start” plan for athletics for the Summer of 2020, WVDHHR guidance for organized camps and WVDHHR guidance for businesses and employers.
On June 1, 2020 at the Marion County Board of Education meeting, the superintendent included these documents in his report to the board, noting that the three-week period had been moved to start on July 5, 2020.
The WVSSAC guidelines were developed with one primary objective – the health, safety, and well-being of our students and staff. While the guidelines may not be optimal for some, we believe they will allow us to bring students and staff back to school campuses in the safest manner possible, given the most current information we have available at this time regarding COVID-19. We have been asked to monitor the activities closely in our athletic programs and make adjustments as we proceed, if we see there is reason for any needed changes.
The superintendent asked for three basic things to be put in place beyond the guidance from the WVSSAC. Those three basic things were: signage outlining safety reminders for use of the facilities, assistance from volunteers for sanitizing and a written plan for how each coach would implement the WVSSAC’s guidelines based upon their group’s individual situations. The guidelines of the WVSSAC can be found at this link:
Following that, the superintendent asked for administrators, athletic directors and coaches to meet and report back the results of the meetings. They met and the results reported back to the superintendent at 10:30 PM on June 4, 2020 were the following:
Marion County Schools
Athletic Facilities
Phase I, II and III Plan
The number one goal of Marion County Schools is to keep athletes and students safe during the pandemic crisis.
Marion County students will be participating in Phase I and Phase II from June 8th to July 3rd by implementing an altered version of the WVSSAC directive.
Our coaches are required to design a written program of conditioning for student athletes to complete. Our students can independently work on their own or can choose a virtual setting with their coach to accomplish the daily conditioning goals.
Beginning July 5, unless changes occur, our student athletes will participate in the Phase III implementation following the guidelines established by the WVSSAC.
Marion County is posting safety guidelines at every facility including playgrounds.
While we understand the importance of opening our facilities, we do not want to rush into any situation that could create a serious health issue.
On Friday, June 5, 2020, the superintendent received the preliminary discussion, but the three basic things asked for in consideration of implementing the WVSSAC’s guidelines are still being determined. We should be able to open as stated in the WVSSAC guidelines with the three basic items asked for finalized.
At no time did the Marion County Board of Education take a vote on any specific plan. It was not an agenda item, it was an informational item for them to be aware of operational functions for the “re-start” plan for athletic and band programs.
The superintendent and the board will always strive to ensure that the health, safety and well-being of our students and staff is considered in the development of any plans.
Please be reminded that official information from Marion County Board of Education will be on <> and on occasion posted on the “Marion Strong” Facebook page operated by The Marion County Chamber of Commerce.
This is repeat week. No new sessions this week, hope to add a few the week of June 8. Click on a session title to join.
Monday, June 1, 2020
10AM – Edpuzzle
Ever wonder if the kids are watching the videos you assign? Ever wanted to add varied question formats to your videos at multiple points in your instructional video? Want to turn off the ability to use the scrub bar to move faster through a video?
12PM – Step by Step landing pages in Schoology to address the younger students
In this session we will focus on a more visual approach to content for the younger students…or for any teacher that wants to present in a more visual fashion. This is a hands-on session for those that want to work alongside.
2PM – Creating and grading assignments in Schoology
Requested session
Tuesday, June 2, 2020
10AM – No class
12PM – Symbaloo
Creating a graphic representation of many sites in one view. Can be exported and embedded into many platforms.
2PM - Assessments in Schoology
Learn how to use and create assessments in Schoology
Wednesday, June 3, 2020
10AM – No Class
12PM – Microsoft Forms for Beginners
Learn how you can use forms for collecting classroom/school information
2PM – No class
Thursday, June 4, 2020
10AM – Microsoft Forms for the more Advanced User, incorporating branching
12PM – Using Excel with students to create graphs and charts
Hands on session
2PM – Animation using PowerPoint
Friday, June 5, 2020
10AM – No class
12PM – Community Share
Bring a site or 7 to share
2PM – Open Q & A
No training, but if you have a question, please stop by. I am always available to answer questions via email if need be