Posted March 2020
The WVDE is partnering with WV Public Broadcasting to provide content for two 30-minute segments per week that will cover all developmental levels. Check out the links below to see the content for the first segment and the promotional video. Please share this information with the appropriate personnel in your county to get the word out to our educators and families.
In addition, WVPB is adjusting its schedule on the WV Channel to provide a Learn at Home schedule from 12-5 p.m. each weekday. These programs are appropriate for 6-12 grade students. |
Here is a Youtube promo for the series: |
All episodes of Education Station will be archived on our YouTube channel. A playlist for the series is available here: |
Math tools in Office 365
Teams in the Classroom
Creating and Grading Assignments in Microsoft Class Teams
Upcoming training sessions from WVDE Technology Trainer Mark Moore - classes are open to anyone with an email address.
Monday, March 30, 2020
9:00 a.m. - Microsoft Class Notebook
1:00 p.m. - Microsoft Class Notebook
3:00 p.m. - Microsoft Class Notebook
Tuesday, March 31, 2020
9:00 a.m. - Microsoft Class Teams
11:00 a.m. - Microsoft Class Teams
1:00 p.m. - Microsoft Class Teams
3:00 p.m. - Microsoft Class Teams
Wednesday, April 1, 2020
9:00 a.m. - Introduction to Microsoft Teams
11:00 a.m. - Introduction to Microsoft Teams
1:00 p.m. - Introduction to Microsoft Teams
3:00 p.m. - Introduction to Microsoft Teams
Thursday, April 2, 2020
9:00 a.m. - Microsoft Planner
11:00 a.m. - Microsoft Planner
1:00 p.m. - Microsoft Planner
3:00 p.m. - Microsoft Planner
Friday, April 3, 2020
9:00 a.m. - Immersive Reader
11:00 a.m. - Immersive Reader
1:00 p.m. - Immersive Reader
3:00 p.m. - Immersive Reader
Suddenlink is offering Altice Advantage Internet free for 60 days, where available, to any household in our service area that has a student from K-12 and/or college. This special Suddenlink service is for students who are displaced due to school closures and who don’t have Internet access at home. After your first 60 free days of Internet service expires, those affected can either cancel the service, or keep it as a regular paying Altice Advantage Internet customer at the low rate of only $14.99 per month, with no annual contract.
Call 888.633.0030 to sign up.
To learn more visit
Spectrum Cable is looking to help students continue their studies during the COVID-19 outbreak.
On the morning of Monday, March 16, 2020, Spectrum posted the promotion on their Facebook page advising their students about some options to take advantage of.
While many schools across the nation remain closed as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, numerous cable companies have been providing internet access to those in need.
Whether you are a college student trying to do your work from home or a family unable to afford another bill, Spectrum will be offering special discounts to households affected by the virus.
Spectrum will offer two free months of internet and WiFi services to new customers in households with a Pre-K to 12 grade student or college student who needs it for school.
The discount will be applied as a credit for your first two months of internet service and the company will waive all installation and pre-payment fees.
For more information on the promotion, you can contact Spectrum at 1(888) 692-8635.
The health crisis created by the novel coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) and the disease it causes (COVID-19) have had effects throughout America and the world that are unprecedented in our lifetimes. The impacts have extended to all facets of society, including public education and student transportation. The National Association of State Directors of Pupil Transportation Services (NASDPTS) has developed this Information Report to help answer questions that student transportation professionals have either asked or that we are anticipating. The report is in a frequently asked questions (FAQs) format. It is not intended to be all inclusive; we welcome additional questions and comments. We will update the report as we gain more useful information. It is a living document.
School bus transportation professionals have done an excellent, unparalleled job in providing safe transportation to America’s school students. Few of us are authorities on public health matters, however. The information herein is drawn from a variety of sources, including state directors, recent news reports of state and local school district practices, guidance and information published by other associations, and federal or state agencies. It should not be construed as recommendations or best practices, but it may prove useful as states, LEAs (local education agencies), charter schools, and contractors work to make their best, informed decisions about the many unforeseen matters the crisis has raised for student transporters.
We are attempting to provide resources to assist student transporters with their specific, unique tasks during this challenging time, but without duplicating the many excellent sources of public health information that are available. The report does not repeat how persons should wash their hands, for instance, but the Resources and Links list on the last page contains some overall sources of information on the pandemic. Our best defense is to stay informed, so we recommend that our members and others continue to monitor this wealth of public information.
1. Technology
- Parents have called and updated their School Messenger contact information.
- Our county Webmaster, Ms. Jen Thomas has been put on alert that daily messages could be common.
- Each school has an active Live Grade Account in which parents and students are familiar.
- Each school was again sent their student Live Grade information and student e-mail information.
- Our technicians have agreed to be available for technology questions and technical support.
- Technicians started last week in resurrecting our distance learning labs.
- Students and employees are encouraged to take advantage of the many features of Microsoft Office 365. In the upper left hand corner of the site, you will see the waffle.
- Employees are encouraged to use the WVEIS portal to access WVEIS at home. It is recommended to use Google Chrome to access at
- Special Educators are reminded to access the Online IEP platform to continue drafting upcoming IEPs.
- The C&I Department, along with Special Services is establishing and constructing an accessible tool for instructional resources. The link shall be placed on the website under the name of MC Instructional Resources Symbaloo. Students, parents, and staff can utilize this link as a portal to assist with websites and programs for instructional use.
2. Transportation
- All buses have been brought back to the Fairmont/Mannington Lots for monitoring, sanitizing and inspection.
- Purchased 50 containers of sanitizing wipes for drivers to wipe down the inside of each bus.
- Sanitizing mist was completed on Monday and Tuesday. Completed March 16th and 17th.
- We have worked with schools and cancelled all out of state field trips. All field trips for the rest of the school year are cancelled.
- Many of our employees are over 55 years of age and that is a concern county wide.
- Meal drop off routes are being established. Routes were established on Thursday, March 19th.
- The Marion County Schools Child Nutrition Department and Transportation Department will continue meal delivery on Wednesday, March 25th from 10-11 AM provided volunteers are available. Next week’s delivery will be evaluated on available volunteers and food product shipments.
3. Child Nutrition
- Ms. Atha and Ms. Efaw had applied for a for a waiver to offer meals at all sites. Thank you to them.
- Many principals agreed and had this concept explained to them on Friday evening via phone.
- Child Nutrition is considering a “Drive Through” approach to protect our cafeteria staff. We established bus routes to better serve the community. We minimized the days of delivery, but sent enough meals to cover all the days, to protect the staff.
- Meal /Homework bus routes are being established. Routes were established on Thursday, March 19th.
- The Marion County Schools Child Nutrition Department and Transportation Department will continue meal delivery on Wednesday, March 25th from 10-11 AM provided volunteers are available. Next week’s delivery will be evaluated on available volunteers and food product shipments.
4. Maintenance
- A schedule to mist each school with a sanitizing spray has been established.
- Trash can liners have been replaced each evening
- A focus on sanitizing doorknobs and student desks
- Supplies have been accumulated and stockpiled with cleaning and sanitizing supplies.
- Maintenance volunteers will be spraying our schools with Total Clean for extra sanitizing.
- Maintenance will continue to have volunteers in the warehouse for food to be stored.
- Maintenance will continue to order cleaning and sanitizing materials.
5. Curriculum and Instruction
Assignments and Instruction
*Climate Control Day Packets:
- Marion County Instructional Plan from March 16th through March 24th.
- Students are to complete Climate Control Day Packet Number 3 for Monday, March 16th and Tuesday, March 17th
- Students are to complete Climate Control Day Packet Number 4 for Wednesday, March 18th and Thursday March 19th.
- Friday, March 20th is in the school calendar as a Professional Learning Day. With this in mind, students are to complete Climate Control Day Packet Number 5 for Monday, March 23rd and Tuesday, March 24th.
- Starting March 25th specific instruction for students will come through the established communication from their teachers and/or schools.
- Parents are to hold completed Climate Control packets until further direction. Due to recent guidance, we have suspended the distribution and collection of Climate Control packets and instructional materials due to health risk concerns. We have been advised to do all communications digitally. You may submit any student work and/or questions through the established communication from their teachers and/or schools.
- Each school has established specific lines of communication that will be utilized for correspondence from student/parent/guardian and the teacher.
- We will be following our school calendar until directed otherwise. With this in mind, the third nine weeks ends on March 18th.
- All school counselors have been given direction from the WVDE regarding resources on how to talk to your children about the Covid-19 virus.
- High School Counselors have been given reminders to carry on with communication to students regarding scholarship information and other post-secondary opportunities. Seniors are advised to stay in contact with their counselors regarding scholarship information including deadlines. Seniors are also advised to stay in contact with their counselors regarding post-secondary opportunities and other questions you may have.
- Statewide summative assessments have been cancelled for this Spring.
- Information has been sent to the schools regarding Advanced Placement (AP) assessments for high school students. Teachers and/or administrators will be contacting students with details.
- The C&I Department, along with Special Services is establishing and constructing an accessible tool for instructional resources. The link shall be placed on the website under the name of MC Instructional Resources Symbaloo. Students, parents, and staff can utilize this link as a portal to assist with websites and programs for instructional use.
- Teachers should continue to provide instruction and give feedback to students digitally.
6. Payroll/Accounting
- March 30th stipends have been entered in the payroll system. They are ready to be checked back and then will be set up to be printed or direct deposited.
- Sent an e-mail to school secretaries to stay up to date on Payroll and make sure they are staying up to date as much as possible. Same goes for any outstanding invoices that may need to be paid. Please do so just in case there are future further shut downs.
- I have instructed the Central Office Accounts Payable department to stay up to date with payments as much as possible as well.
- American Fidelity Section 125 Enrollment Information To practice social distancing and keep our employees as safe as possible, we are attempting to complete our enrollment for American Fidelity Section 125 benefits through virtual meetings. Some Section 125 benefits include cancer, accident, critical illness, disability, and life insurance products. See the e-mail I sent out on Saturday March , 21st about scheduling through American Fidelity’s online appointment scheduler. The web address to schedule on the online appointment scheduler is: For employee that would still like to meet with a representative in person, we will not be scheduling those at the earliest until at least late April if the threat of the spread of COVID-19 subsides.
- I have taken some of our employees frequently asked questions and provided some responses we have received from the West Virginia Department of Education. See below. Q. Will the days that are canceled due to the COVID-19 health emergency be required to be made up? A. No, these days will not be made up since county boards of education will be providing a variety of distance learning options to students during the time off. Since these days will count as instructional days towards the required 180 days of instruction, the days also count as employment days towards the 200 day employment contract. Q. Will regular full-time employees be paid for the days that schools are closed due to COVID-19 even if they don’t report to their normal work location for the day? A. Yes, all regular, full-time employees will be paid for the days that schools are closed even if they are not required to report to their normal work location for the day. Whether physically present at a school facility or working remotely, all employees are expected to contribute to supporting students while school are closed. Q. If a high-risk or compromised employee is unable to report to a regular work location does the employee follow the county’s existing leave policy? A. At the Governor’s direction communicated by the State Superintendent, county boards of education should allow employees who do not feel safe working from their normal location to stay home and work remotely. While some job functions are difficult to complete from home (ex: cooks, bus drivers, etc.), county boards of education should come up with duties that all staff can complete remotely. All regular full-time staff will be paid during this health emergency and employees will not be assessed leave for working from home. At this time, the federal government is considering legislation that would provide all employees additional paid sick leave in public health emergencies. Guidance will be issued once any federal legislation is ultimately passed. Q. How do we handle assessing leave to employees out on planned medical leave? A. Employees on planned medical leave with medical reason(s) that prevent them from working from home should use leave since they aren’t working from home like the other employees or contributing to support students. If you utilize a long-term substitute to complete the regular job duties of the individual on medical leave, the leave continues. Q. Are county boards of education required to pay professional long-term substitutes while schools are closed due to the COVID-19 health emergency? When does an individual meet the definition of long-term professional substitute? A. Professional employees are expected to provide distance learning options to students while schools are closed. Professional long-term substitutes who provide such distance learning options for their students should be paid during the school closures. Q. Are county boards of education required to pay service long-term substitutes while schools are closed due to the COVID-19 health emergency? A. Per W. Va. Code § 18A-4-15, a substitute service person who fills a position for twenty or more working days “acquires regular employment status” and “is accorded all other rights, privileges and benefits pertaining to the position until the regular employee returns to the position or ceases to be employed by the county board.” Substitute service personnel who fall into this category are treated like any of your other regular full-time employees who are being paid during this health emergency. Q. Our county has spring break scheduled in the coming weeks. If schools are still closed due to the health emergency, does that impact our school calendar and corresponding employment calendar? A. County boards of education have been advised to leave school calendars intact. At this time, if a county board of education has spring break scheduled, the county is not required to provide meals during that time. County boards that do not provide meals for any reason are strongly encouraged to communicate this to students and families. Employees are expected to work only to the extent they would normally be required to work during spring break. If spring break is moved by a county, the county’s school calendar and corresponding employment calendar would be modified accordingly. Q. What about regular day-to-day substitutes? Do county boards of education have any obligation to pay day-to-day substitutes during this crisis? A. While county boards of education must meet all payroll obligations for day-to-day substitutes for work before the health emergency, there is no obligation to pay day-to-day substitutes unless substitutes are called into service during the school closures. For example, if you utilized substitute cooks or bus drivers to help with serving meals to students, you are obligated to pay those substitutes for their days actually worked. If a day-to-day substitute employee is not utilized, there is no payroll obligation associated with that employee.
7. Special Services Department
- MEDICATION AT SCHOOL: Lead nurse (Mrs. Boylen), school nurses and LPN aides have inventoried all the student medication left at school. Parents have been notified. Many have either picked up medication or have given permission for the medications to remain at school. Parents will again be prompted via parent messenger to contact the school if medication is going to be picked up.
- ONLINE IEP PLATFORM: The on line IEP platform is up and running. Special educators (SE) are encouraged to continue working on IEPs using the online platform. Kathern Pellegrin is available to view drafts and offer technical assistance.
- TIMELINES: If school staff is available and parents are willing to participant via phone, schools may hold IEP meetings if timelines are a concern. IEPs that are due through the end of April should be drafted online to make future meetings more efficient. Policy 2419 is forgiving of timelines for initial eligibility during school closures and states of emergency. NO clear guidance regarding annual IEP timelines nor birth to three eligibility timelines has been received at this time. The special services department is NOT evaluating students during this time. Meetings that can be held with the appropriate staff and parent participation are being held if deadlines are of concern.
- INSTRUCTIONAL RESOURCES: SE liaisons have shared resources with special educators to support efforts in designing lessons plans for home instruction. Special educators are encouraged to use those resources proven instructional materials as much as possible for extending home instructional packets. Special educators are reminded to modify and/or accommodate climate control packets in order to align with SWD IEPs.
- RELATED SERVICES: Related services professionals (occupational therapists, physical therapists, head speech therapists, audiologist) have meet to design home advisement guidance for SWD receiving such related services.
- HOME BOUND SERVICES: ALL face to face homebound services have been terminated at this time. Parents and homebound instructors were notified Monday, March 16, 2020 of this directive. Schools are advised to ensure that students on their homebound list receive communications from their school in the same manner as their school level peers.
- The latest guidance from the US Department of Education, Office of Civil Rights and Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Services clearly dictates that regardless of challenges, we must provide distance instruction to address matters pertaining to services for students with disabilities (SWD).
- Be reminded SWD should continue to receive instruction from the general educator (GE) to address the content standard the SWD typically receives in the general education environment (GEE).
- Special educators must collaborate with the general educator to ensure accommodations and modifications of the assignments designed by GE content teachers are aligned with the IEP.
- Special educators are responsible for providing individualized education and related services aligned with the IEP. Special educators must keep documentation through lesson plans and activity assignments disseminated to each individual SWD. Documentation must reflect the connection of each IEP goal to an assignment /activity.
- Related service providers ( OT, PT, and Speech) have received additional information regarding the use of Telehealth and Telepractice options of providing services.
- WV Policy 2419 gives some relief in light of a "state of emergency" on initial eligibility timelines. However, many other IDEA timelines remain in place. Parents and other IEP team members are to conduct IEP meetings through alternate means, including teleconferencing or conference telephone calls. Marion County School personnel have been successful using Microsoft Teams 365 to hold IEP team meeting. IEP Teams must adhere to the required team membership with the building principal as chairperson. We will be requiring IEP teams that meet in this alternate fashion to alert Kathern Pellegrin so we can pull the completed IEP off the platform and take care of mailing it home to families. Meeting notices must still be sent out by the case manager. (Step by step directions will be forwarded to the case managers).
8. Personnel
- We will continue to post jobs on the Marion BOE website as they become available.
- We will continue to process paper work for certification renewal.
- Only long-term subs will continue to work, with the exception of Custodians and Cooks (schools that are providing lunches).
- We have notified all employees of the “Guidelines for Reporting to Work” and provided each employee with the various documents needed to apply for a leave of absence.
9. Miscellaneous Notes:
- Security Guards Sheldon/Ralph cancelled day shift, mid night shift is typically 10 p.m. to 2 a.m.; changed to 10 p.m. to cover all night.
10. Cancelled Events
- Marion County Book Festival
- Marion County Literacy Fair
- Marion County Special Olympics Spring Games
- Model Schools Conference in Orlando, FL
- All extracurricular and co-curricular activities have been suspended until further notice.
11. Title I, Part A, Title I Part D, Title III
- There is a Title Facilitator’s team formed. When that is mastered, then a Title staff team will be formed.
- Title staff and principals have been sent activities that can be electronically sent to parents and students including help for parents on learning at home.
- Title I facilitators can work with the other Title teachers in their school to send home activities such as booklets, flash cards, vocabulary lists, that they received last fall that directly support the reading series. All activities for Grades K-4 are on a USB drive.
- It is expected that Title teachers make plans, document, and have contact/communications with their students just like other classroom teachers.
- Title III facilitator has contacted principals/teachers to offer suggestions, help, etc. in working with EL students at home. Title III teachers will also be in contact and doing electronic help with EL Students.
- Title I Director has contacted Stepping Stones and Youth Report Center to offer assistance.
- Stepping Stone has said there is nothing they need at this time as their students are receiving assistance through East Fairmont High School.
- The Youth Report Center requested personal hygiene products for students and those supplies were ordered. The juvenile justice system has ordered the YRC to bring in students one at time for counseling. Mr. Petonick prepared packets for all students that were to cover to end of the year and those were delivered to students. He has been helping YRC get extra food/snacks to students. He continues to monitor his students and work with the Youth Report Center.
- Math on a Roll activities involving multiple levels and using dice were sent to Title teachers to send out to parents/students.
- Title Director sent all Title teachers a sticky note in word that teachers can use to make a daily to do list and document what they did each day.
- Last week all programs were offered stamps and supplies.
Marion County Schools will offer two meal delivery methods to serve our children for the remainder of the week.
Option A- Meals can be picked up from your child’s school from your child’s school from 11:00 A.M. to 12:30 P.M.
Option B- The delivery of meals will be delivered by our school bus drivers starting tomorrow Thursday, March19th between 10:00 A.M. and 11:00 A.M. at your child’s designated bus stop.
Next week – Meal delivery will start next week on Monday and Wednesday morning by our school bus drivers between 10:00 A.M. to 11:00 A.M.
Thank you
Recipients: All students and staff
Friday March 20th is in the school calendar as a Professional Learning Day. With this in mind and due to schools still being closed, students are asked to complete Climate Control Day Packet Number five for March 23 and 24. Each school has set up their specific lines of communication that will be utilized during the closure. If you have any questions please feel free to contact the school for assistance through these specific lines of communication.
Superintendent Recommendations for Procedures and Operations
We have some priorities to complete tasks on a daily basis to keep instruction flowing and meals delivered. Communication with students and families is key to keep this happening in as normal a fashion as possible. Some tasks can be completed in different ways and from different locations. Keeping all of this in mind and to keep in mind everyone’s safety, we need to work together with flexibility and to honor our obligations to students.
We should be able to meet our obligations with flex schedules aligned and unique to each job description. This will be achievable utilizing technology from different locations to ensure student access, communications for all that is necessary and administrative oversight. Staff willing to initiate and complete task lists will not be held to a full workday on location. Any tasks that may be completed remotely is allowed and encouraged. We have asked for volunteers to complete the priorities from whatever location and in whatever flex schedule they can. When tasks are completed, schedules can be shortened. Those cooperating to volunteer to come in on site because certain tasks can’t be completed off site are appreciated and may leave when tasks are completed.
Cooks Task List
- Volunteers start at normal time. Half Time Cook Volunteers need to start at 6:00 a.m., but only work 2.5 hours.
- Prepare and package meals as directed by Mrs. Atha.
- Maintain daily production records.
- Record temperature readings for equipment.
- Sanitize all food service areas regularly.
- Submit orders for supplies and food.
- Maintain daily monitoring of email, website announcements, SchoolMessenger messages, school chosen communication tools, etc.
- Maintain instructional communication with students.
- Design instruction per your content area to keep instruction flowing daily.
- Provide students with resources, websites, etc. that allow for learning opportunities to maintain continuity of instruction aligned with covering all of the content standards.
- Design and share lesson plans with your principal to keep them informed.
- Prepare and submit grades for report cards reflecting progress for the grading period ending March 18, 2020.
- Keeping good documentation of your task list would be helpful.
- Maintain daily monitoring of email, website announcements, SchoolMessenger messages, school chosen communication tools, etc.
- Volunteers for assistance in serving meals at schools and from buses.
- Staff willing to initiate and complete task lists will not be held to a full workday on location.
- Any tasks that may be completed remotely is allowed and encouraged.
- If school staff is available and parents are willing to participate via phone, schools may hold IEP and 504 meetings if timelines are a concern.
Special Educators
- Maintain instructional communication with students.
- Design lessons that reflect individualized instruction aligned with the student’s IEP.
- Provide students and families with resources, websites, etc. that allow for learning opportunities to maintain continuity of instruction aligned with covering IEP goals.
- Design and submit lesson plan evidence to your principal.
- Prepare and submit IEP progress reports to be delivered with the report cards reflecting progress for the grading period ending March 18, 2020.
- Continue to draft IEPs for upcoming annual reviews using the WV IEP Online platform.
- Keeping good documentation of your task list would be helpful.
- Maintain daily monitoring of email, website announcements, SchoolMessenger messages, school chosen communication tools, etc.
- Volunteers for assistance in serving meals at schools and from buses.
- If school staff is available and parents are willing to participate via phone, schools may hold IEP meetings if timelines are a concern.
SE Related Service Providers (OT, PT, SPL, Audiologist)
- Maintain supportive communication with students and parents.
- Design lessons/guidance documents that reflect related services aligned with the student’s IEP.
- Prepare and submit IEP progress reports to be delivered with the report cards reflecting progress for the grading period ending March 18, 2020.
- Continue to draft IEPs for upcoming annual reviews using the WV IEP Online platform.
- Maintain daily monitoring of email, website announcements, SchoolMessenger messages, school chosen communication tools, etc.
- If school staff is available and parents are willing to participate via phone, schools may hold IEP meetings if timelines are a concern.
Bus Drivers
- Our number one priority is to get meals to students.
- The Transportation Department will be open from 8:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
- Drivers are asked to volunteer to pick up and deliver meals.
- Drivers are asked to report at their bus pick-up location at 8:30 am.
- Drivers are being asked to report at 9:30 am at your designated meal pick-up site.
- Deliver meals on your identified route.
- Return your bus back to the lot for parking.
- Total estimated work time for meal delivery is 2.5 hours.
- Maintain daily monitoring of email, website announcements, SchoolMessenger messages, school chosen communication tools, etc.
Bus Aides
- Bus Aides and Classroom Aides are asked to volunteer to help deliver meals from buses. They would report to the bus at their designated location at 9:00 am.
- Maintain daily monitoring of email, website announcements, SchoolMessenger messages, school chosen communication tools, etc.
- Continue all daily cleaning routines and paying closer attention to areas that may have been populated that particular day.
- Take advantage of time to complete tasks that aren’t completed daily, but need attention.
- Maintain daily monitoring of email, website announcements, SchoolMessenger messages, school chosen communication tools, etc.
- Report to your building on a daily basis. (?)
- Maintain the populations that come into the school.
- Ensure staff has access to the building for what is necessary to complete their tasks.
- Approve and comment on lesson plans keeping in mind that they will be a little unique. (We are interested in teachers sharing their strategies and designs for instructional delivery.)
- Collect and maintain documentation of your staff completing all of their tasks. (i.e., lesson plans, communication with students, delivery of instruction, grades, etc.)
- Volunteers for assistance in serving meals at schools and from buses.
- If school staff is available and parents are willing to participate via phone, schools may hold IEP and 504 meetings if timelines are a concern.
- Continue typical routines as scheduled, such as submitting payroll on the regular schedule, WVEIS, etc.
- Maintain daily monitoring of email, website announcements, SchoolMessenger messages, school chosen communication tools, etc.
Central Office Professional Staff
- Volunteers report to complete necessary tasks. Time will be flexible.
- Maintain daily monitoring of email, website announcements, SchoolMessenger messages, school chosen communication tools, etc.
- Maintain banking tasks.
- Prepare and keep payroll up-to-date as best as possible.
- Maintain Child Nutrition records and submit reports on the regular schedule.
- Make sure that messages are forwarded to the proper person.
- Maintain daily monitoring of email, website announcements, SchoolMessenger messages, school chosen communication tools, etc.
Aides (ECCAT, SE, Autism Mentor, Braille Specialists, Sign Language Interpreters)
- Communicate daily with the teacher(s) you work with to complete your tasks.
- Follow-up with teachers regarding projects and tasks that can be completed during this time. Some of these may be for future use. (i.e.,
- Volunteers for assistance in serving meals at schools and from buses.
- Maintain daily monitoring of email, website announcements, SchoolMessenger messages, school chosen communication tools, etc.
- Volunteers for assistance in serving meals at schools and from buses.
Nurses and LPN/Aides
- Prepare immunization letters for mailing.
- Check student immunizations on WVSIIS
- Volunteers for assistance in serving meals at schools and from buses.
- Ensure documentation is up to date
- Clean and organize work areas.
- Dispose expired meds and forms.
- Obtain address labels from counselors for current 1st, 6th, 11th graders, address envelopes for immunization mailings
- Work directly with School Nurse, RN for direction
RNs and LPNs:
- Maintain daily monitoring of email, website announcements, SchoolMessenger messages, school chosen communication tools, etc.
- The priority is to volunteer to continue delivering commodities and requests for maintenance supplies to schools.
- Maintain emergency availability.
- The Maintenance Department will be open on a schedule of 8:00 am – 12:00 pm for volunteer work.
- Maintain daily monitoring of email, website announcements, SchoolMessenger messages, school chosen communication tools, etc.
- All school counselors have been given direction from the WVDE regarding resources on how to talk to your children about the COVID-19 virus.
- Virtual School: At this time, we will be postponing proctored assessments through Virtual School until further notice. Students who are utilizing Virtual School should continue with the assignments.
- The Virtual School Instructor may make minor changes to the protocol already established.
- Credit Recovery: The High Schools and Barnes Learning Center have been advised to postpone assessments through Credit Recovery. If a student finishes a unit, the supervising teacher may open the next unit to be completed.
- Maintain daily monitoring of email, website announcements, SchoolMessenger messages, school chosen communication tools, etc.