August 16, 2021 REVISED August 23, 2021
Dear Families:
In an ongoing effort to keep our families and students informed of current information related to the ways that Marion County Schools is addressing reduction of transmission of COVID-19 and its variants, families will be receiving the following information in a packet distributed on the first day of school, August 24.
In collaboration with the Marion County Health Department, we are working diligently to provide for the safety and wellness of all students. By working together and remaining aware of the latest information and protocols, Marion County Schools can “get back in the game.”
School systems have been advised by the Governor and WVDE to follow the recommendation of their local health department in decision-making concerning mask mandates. Marion County Schools has consistently followed the recommendation of its health department during the pandemic. At this time, Marion County Schools is currently under a mandate to wear masks inside all buildings, regardless of vaccination status. In collaboration with the MC Health Department, MCS hopes to move to a recommendation for masks in all schools if Marion County trends into more acceptable numbers on the WV DHHR COVID-19 map.
Please review the latest WVDE School Recovery and Guidance (released August 6, 2021) at prior to the beginning of the school year. This document includes information on the importance of social-emotional supports, face-to-face instruction, key mitigation strategies in place in our schools, contact-tracing guidelines, cafeteria guidance, vaccination options, and quarantine protocols. Marion County Schools will utilize the quarantine period of at least 10 days for a positive COVID-19 test and if no symptoms have been identified during the daily self-monitoring under quarantine.
For more information on quarantine protocols in MCS for 2021-22 for students and staff (August 23, 2021), please see
Families can help us daily by completing the COVID 19 Daily Home Check at If your child is diagnosed with COVID-19 or subject to a quarantine, please review the COVID-19 Returning to School Protocols at
To assist in meeting the needs of our students, including those with underlying medical conditions, please review the Marion County Schools Medication Form at and the Annual Health Record Update at and return them to the school promptly upon receipt.
You can find additional resources and information in these documents as well:
Wellness Back to School Poster at
Young Mitigation Recommendation at
Stop the Spread Poster at
Infographics for Parents posters at
K-12 School Posters at
As a team, we can make a difference. If you have questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to your school RN or Head Nurse Mandy Boylen at
Dr. Donna Hage, Superintendent