We are eager to begin the school year on August 24th for grades 1-12. MCS most important objectives are the learning, safety, and well-being of your children. The majority of our staff return on August 18. Thank you for your patience as our staff are on trainings until August 21st. These trainings are imperative to the teaching and implementation of polices for the new school year. Please download the MCS app or check your school’s social media for any updates as we move closer. Please be patient if your child’s school has not contacted you via personal phone call. We all care about our students, and each school will return your calls or concerns as soon as they are back in their school buildings and have been trained to provide even better learning to your child. #MCSgetbackinthegame
about 3 years ago, Marion County Schools
Reflecting upon our “why” we do what we do, we are what we consume, serving others, and “leaders eat last,” MCS principals kick off a meeting today with author Simon Sinek’s philosophies “on a plate” as we approach 2021-22 decision-making as leaders. #MCSgetbackinthegame
about 3 years ago, Marion County Schools
So much wisdom for all ages from a children’s book author. Remember reading to or with your child 20 minutes a day is so important for so many reasons. #MCSgetbackinthegame
about 3 years ago, Marion County Schools
Homeschool, virtual, homebound, or child age 1-4 years old who lives in MC in 2021-22 school year? Complete the form to have a 5-day shelf-stable meal box delivered to your door step, free of charge. https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=S7AZ4AwzekaLrgn7FzdNap_zqJTflyJPoEptddhfLbhUNExaMkVWU0I5UDRSTVdCRzRCVTc1RjhUWS4u
about 3 years ago, Marion County Schools
Llyod White from the Marion County Health Department and MCS Head Nurse Mandy Boylen answer questions from FSHS student-athletes about vaccinations and mask recommendations, #MCSgetbackinthegame
about 3 years ago, Marion County Schools
Connecting reading and writing for phonics instruction and weaving social emotional learning deeper into the classroom: Team of MCS teachers reflects on tools and techniques to strengthen instruction in two of the greatest needs. Getting better and stronger every day!
about 3 years ago, Marion County Schools
Spreading Information and Awareness: Athletic Director James Beckman, MCS Head Nurse Mandy Boylen, and Lloyd White from the Marion County Health Department speak to the Fall athletes at East Fairmont High School today. #MCSgetbackinthegame
about 3 years ago, Marion County Schools
Lloyd white
How to Get Back in the Game: Students entering/returning to Marion County Schools from Homeschool must complete the enrollment process at the school in their attendance zone. New Student Registration and Open House dates are listed here:
about 3 years ago, Marion County Schools
open houses
MCS Positive Behavior Support Teams working with WV mental health technical assistance team to reflect on school plans to support student behavior. All MCS have PBIS teams. #MCSgetbackinthegame
about 3 years ago, Robin Haught
"Patient Endurance!" From the hardwood of gyms in MCS to UNC player, grad, and member of the coaching staff, North Marion grad Jessica Sell talks encouragement, perseverance, support systems, and fresh start as we "get back in the game" https://5il.co/wy1f #MCSgetbackinthegame
about 3 years ago, Marion County Schools
Jessica Sell
"COVID-19 is here. How long it stays is up to us." In coming days, Marion County Health Department Administrator Lloyd White will be speaking with MCS student-athletes and staff about what we all can do to prevent the spread: https://5il.co/wy1p #MCSgetbackinthegame
about 3 years ago, Marion County Schools
Marion County Health Department
Mr. Lloyd White speaks with Marion County Board Members regarding COVID-19 Updates.
about 3 years ago, Robin Haught
Mr. Lloyd White speaks to the Marion county members regarding COVID-19 updates.
“Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.” As we think back on the past 18 months of the pandemic, one of the most pronounced reflections is we cannot increase student achievement alone. See https://5il.co/wvxl.
about 3 years ago, Marion County Schools
Academic Vocabulary Book
Bubbles arriving soon as work has begun on the Mannington Bus Wash to keep the MCS busses squeaky clean. #MCSgetbackinthegame
about 3 years ago, Marion County Schools
bus wash
Focus on Why We Are Here: MCS administrators’ first meeting back is focused on data and leadership to diagnosis instructional gaps and student achievement celebrations despite the pandemic. #MCSgetbackinthegame
about 3 years ago, Marion County Schools
data review
Data review
Stocking Up on School Supplies: On August 14, noon to 5 PM, MCS’s friends at Palatine Park host TK Blockstar Back To School Event with over 1000 backpacks filled with school supplies. No sign ups, no pre-registration. Activities for kids, live music, Splash Pad. #MCSgetbackingame
about 3 years ago, Marion County Schools
Welcome back fellow WV students and staff!
about 3 years ago, Marion County Schools
school start dates
The WV Higher Education Policy Commission released the College Going Rate Fact Book to give data to inform efforts to encourage more high school students to pursue a high-quality postsecondary education. Data for the three MCS are listed here. #MCSgetbackinthegame
about 3 years ago, Marion County Schools
cGR explained
Over the last few weeks we have received input from staff, families, dentists, psychiatrists, doctors, and other medical professionals. We continue to work closely with the Marion County Health Department in this decision-making process. The WVDE and Governor has guided counties to work with their local health department, and Marion County Schools has a history of doing this in all previous decisions related to the pandemic. We will continue to monitor the county’s status related to the spread of the virus and its variants. On August 10, the Board of Education will receive an update from Health Department Administrator Lloyd White. No vote will be taken on that agenda. It is for information and recommendation purposes. At this time, the Health Department is recommending masks regardless of age or vaccination status. This is not a mask mandate from the health department, and so we continue to ask families and staff to take the mask guidance as a recommendation for Marion County Schools -not mandate at this time - to reduce transmission further so that we can continue to keep schools open for face-to-face instruction 5 days a week. We know that this is the best way to service our students as they recover and receive new instruction and feel supported with mental health needs. As a reminder, the CDC and WVDE guidance states K-12 students are exempt from quarantine if they are exposed but wearing masks. Also, those who are vaccinated are not required to quarantine. Dr. Donna Hage, Superintendent
about 3 years ago, Marion County Schools
Let’s shine a light on the great work that Literacy Volunteers do for MCS. To find out more about hours and assistance for tutoring in reading, math, English Learners, TASC preparation and more, contact our vital partner at 304-366-6065. #MCSgetbackinthegame.
about 3 years ago, Marion County Schools
literacy volunteers