Tune In! Mannington Middle School was at the Metropolitan Theater in Morgantown, WV to see the Young People's Concert Series Performed by West Virginia Symphony Orchestra. Thank you WVSO for this opportunity! 🎶
"I am Batman." Tune In! as students at Monongah Elementary received a special visit and message of hope and empowerment from WV Batman today.
Turn It Up! All in the name of science!
Debbie Dennis, a physics teacher at East Fairmont High School, drops egg protection contraptions designed and constructed by her physics students.
Thanks to Valley VFD for helping with this project!
A priceless sea of gold represents that Pleasant Valley Elementary School, a 2024 National Blue Ribbon School, BEE-Lieves in celebrating greatness of students, staff and families. The school celebrated today as the national distinction plaque was brought home from Washington, DC.
Thank you to the YCF, which distributed 98 grants totaling over $150,000 this week! Grants ranged from $255 to $15,500 and support many community programs, schools, services, and initiatives across Harrison, Marion, Monongalia, Preston, and Taylor Counties.
Marion County Recipients:
Barrackville Elementary/Middle School
Allyson Perry, Social Studies and Science Fair Materials
Bethany Sturm, Can't Hide Our Bison Pride
East Fairmont Middle School
Margie Suder, Plant Propagation and the FDA
Fairview Elementary School — Amanda Simons, Holidays Around the World
Marion County Technical Center — Kevin Morris, 3D Printing Technology
Monongah Elementary School
Connie Boggs, From School Garden to Table
Heather Suarez, Incorporating Social Studies through Literacy
Shawna Weikle, Learning about Nature
Monongah Middle School
Maureen Budka, New Drying Rack for Art Room
Jennifer Green, Fair Fun
Amie Marchesani, Preparing Future Innovators
Kristin Suplita, Let's Grow a Garden!
Pleasant Valley Elementary School — Kiersten McIntire, Readers Become Leaders
Watson Elementary School — Mickala Layman, Learning in Context- A Deep Dive Into Fiction and Non-Fiction Novel Studies
West Fairmont Middle School — Jessica Weaver, Cohesive Calculators
White Hall Elementary School
Gabrielle Jordan, All the Snuggles
Rachelle Bourne & Kara Busko-Oates, Exploring Engineering, Careers, and the Arts through STEM and Enrichment Projects
Turn It On! and give a shout out to Mannington Middle School's "Poppin Papaws," Jeff Smith and Dave Harvey, 🍿 Thank you for all your hard work!! 🐊💚
Tune In! In celebration of Thanksgiving, East Park made corn muffins, wrote recipes, painted sun catchers, and engineered a camouflage hide out for a turkey. The students baked 321 homemade muffins. They talked about fractions, arrays on muffin tins, and sequence of recipes.
Turn It Up! These 12 students from the Fairmont Junior Band Alliance (Rivesville & West Fairmont Middle Bands) participated in the North Central WV Middle School Honor Band, hosted at WV Wesleyan College. They make up 1/5 of the 60-student MS Honor Band. 60 Students from the 13 middle school band programs across WV, including the FJBA, participated in the event. These students were recommended by Mr. Schneider and Mr. Tharp. Congratulations to these amazing and talented students who represented Marion County Schools Fine Arts programs.
Turn It On! Virtual reality explorations was on the agenda at East Park today. Students took a virtual reality flight with a tour of the Wright Brothers monument and a hot air balloon ride in the STEAM Bus for the 1st grade. ✈️
"Every child deserves a Christmas" is the theme of the Marion County Toy Shop. Marion County Schools dropped books off to the toy drive today to put books in the hands of children.
Turn It Up! and celebrate nearly 20 Marion County Schools educators and their grant awards from Your Community Foundation (YCF) tonight.
Turn It On! and support numerous Marion County Schools retired educators, directed by Mr. Greg DeVito.
Turn It Up! as the Board of Education honored student leadership and those who cultivate it. WV Association of Student Council Awards: Mr. Green, Principal of the Year; Mrs. Janes, Advisor of the Year; Regan Hardway, WVASC Vice President; Shaila King, WVASC Secretary; Ryan Carpenter, WVASC Jr. High Rep.
Marion County Board of Education signed resolution to commit to enhance collaboration with military organizations and provide supports to military families as part of its process to renew its status as a Purple Star District. Members and US Veterans Saunders and Dragich pictured.
Turn It Up! as the 2024 State Championship and history-making East Fairmont High School Girls Soccer Team and Coach Wright were proudly recognized by the Marion County Board of Education tonight.
Turn It On! Congratulations to North Marion High School Theatre students, who traveled to the WV Theatre Association One Act Play Festival at WV Wesleyan. Lydia Hatten won outstanding festival actor overall.
Matthew Stutzman and Aaliyah Evans won outstanding performers. Their production was selected as the alternate for SETC. They are directed by Ms. Celi Oliveto.
Tune In! and see the latest, proud addition to Pleasant Valley Elementary School, a 2024 National Blue Ribbon School banner with the official crest of recognition.
Turn It On! Check out nearly 50 Marion County Schools students who are performing in this production, which is a showcase of local talent. Learn more at https://buy.tututix.com/5thstcenterfordancellc.
Turn It Up! The FAA invites students from kindergarten through 12th grade to participate in our Airport Design Challenge! This interactive and collaborative learning opportunity gives students the opportunity to design virtual airports in Minecraft. Participating students will meet aviation professionals, engage with other designers, and learn about the aerospace industry. For more information, visit faa.gov/adc. Let your creativity soar and enroll today!
Turning It Up! Fairview Middle School students visited Fairview Elementary today to read aloud to the students. We are building a bridge between the two schools using student leadership.